Unexpected hostage

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Diamond's POV
I texted Jordan to tell him someone was at the door. Then there was a loud bang and the door swans open. There was a bunch of niggas that ran in and grabbed us. There faces were covered so I couldn't see who it was. Suddenly the grabbed me and the next thing I knew I was in a dark room tied up. "Who the fuck are you" I said trying to move. "Who else is in here with me" I said as I couldn't see the whole room" I said. One said anything again the just walked around staring at me like they were waiting for something. I heard numbing behind me that sounded like a female voice. Then I realised we was all in the same room but I was the only one who's mouth wasn't covered but I wasn't sure why.

Suddenly the door swung open and Angel got thrown in and grabbed by the niggas that were in the room. The closed the door and tied her to a chair next to me. "What the fuck is going on" I said getting scared. Although I had been through this multiple times this time felt weird and different. And I had no idea how the fuck I was gonna get out of this one.

Jordan's POV
Once I got Diamond's text I quickly made my way back to the hotel. I texted her and called her a bunch of times but there wasn't an answer. I got to the hotel and ran upstairs the our room. The door was already open. I pushed it fully open and walked in. The whole room was empty I quickly went downstairs and went to the security. "Did anyone strange come through here" I asked him. "I don't know bro I just started my shift" he said shrugging. "Shit" I said and ran out to my car. "Yo pg you need to come now nigga something going on" I said calling Pg. I was just about to start my car til someone stepping in front of it. "Jasmine" I said confused. She smiled and walked to my window. "What are you doing here" I asked. "Did you miss me"she licking her lips. "Umm I busy right now" I said putting my hand back on the wheel. "What's up with you you haven't seen my in a minute and you not tryna chill" she said. "I said I busy" I said getting irritated. "You know you can talk to me about anything right so tell me what up" she asked. "I got shit to do" I said then drove off leaving her behind me.

"There's all in there" I said the Tris. "Well I must I'm impressed I didn't think you'd be able to pull this off" he said. "Can you finally tell him to let me go" I said. "I'll tell him you finished the job but just to let you know you can never fully get rid of him" Tris said. "What his name I never knew" I asked. "That's how he wants things even I don't it but we call him red" he said. "What are you going to them" I asked. "You ask a lot of questions... I'm gonna do what I was told to do I don't even know who's in there but I'm not gonna get on red's bad side he's already threatened to hurt my mom,my girlfriend and her kid. "Oh you got a girl" I asked. "Yeah her names Angel" he  said "anyways you better get out of here" he added. And I did as he said.

Diamond's POV
Someone knocked on the then all the security left the room and we was alone for a moment. "Alright guys I know you can't reply so just listen I love y'all and imma get y'all out of here" I started. "There clearly want me to speak on something which is why I don't have tape on my mouth so imma speak and imma sacrifice myself for y'all I'm tired of getting the people I live in danger" I said. Angel looked at me with her eyes wide open and mumbling. "I know I'm pregnant and imma make sure this baby has a life to live a better one then I did" I said "so imma try get them to let me have the baby first then they can do all they want to me but they have to let you guys be free" I said then they all mumbled. "Angel if something does happen to my and I do have this baby I want you to take care of her joint custody with Jordan of course but your a great mother and I want my daughter to have one so at least she knows what it feels like" I said then shut my eyes and thought of my mom for a second then the door opened.

A guy walked in and closed the door. He looked at me first then at Angel then paused. "Angel?" He said shocked.
To be continued...

Princess THUG 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora