Before i did

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Diamond's POV
We was at a hotel and Isareigh was still with us. Niyah was still shaken up and little and wasn't saying much to anybody. We started to unpack the small amount of clothes that we brought.
"Jordan what the fuck are we gonna do" I said when Niyah fell asleep. "Imma handle it" he said. "What do you mean you gon handle it" I said. "Just get some sleep alright don't worry about anything" he said standing up. "Where are you going" I asked. "I said imma handle it get some sleep" he said kissing me on the cheek then leaving. I quickly locked the door behind him then sat on the bed. "Don't worry Diamond we safe here there's hella security downstairs and no one can come in if they don't have a room" Isareigh said. "You should get some sleep and let that baby rest" she said. So I laid down and tried to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I sat up and saw Jordan with food setting up the table. "Morning Princess" he said. "Morning what's all this" I said rubbing my eyes. "I just thought I'd bring breakfast up here instead of y'all having to go downstairs for it" he said. "Thanks baby" I replied. "Where did you go last night" I asked. "I just went out to the car and to speak to security" he said. "Oh okay" I replied feeling relived. Niyah and Isareigh started to wake up too. "Morning y'all" Isareigh said. "Niyah how you feeling" I asked. "Imma be alright it's whatever" she said getting up and going to the bathroom.

Miya's POV
I was eating breakfast with Cey when there was a loud knock on the door. "I'll get it bae" he said then got up and kissed me before he went towards the door. "Are you Cey Stevens" I heard a male voice say. "Yes" Cey replied. "Your under arrest for suspicion of the murder of Kevin Waters" he said. My heart stopped as I ran towards the door and saw Cey being arrested. "Get off him" I screamed as tears ran down my face. "It gonna be okay don't worry" Cey said looking defeated. "You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law" the officer said as they took him out the house. I started sobbing loudly not knowing what to do. "Is that your husband" another police officer said who was standing near me. "Yes" I said still crying. "I'll see you later ma'am" he said then left. 

Diamond's POV
"Shit" Jordan said after the ended the call he was on. "What happened"I said. "Cey got arrested I gotta go" he said getting up. "What when" I said concerned. "Just now" he said putting his jacket on. "Imma call Miya and see how she's doing" I said picking up my phone. Jordan kissed me then left. "Hello Miya are you okay" I said when she picked up the phone. "Umm I don't know" she said sniffing like she'd been crying. "What happened I thought you had updates on what was going on in the case" I said. "I spoke to my cousin he said someone gave a witness statement" she said. "Who the fuck" I said confused. "I don't know who he said he's gonna try find out but he don't want no one to know he's disclosing information" she replied.

Karley's POV
"Hello" I said picking up the phone. "Yes I gave the statement..... Cey has been arrested" I said smiling. "Your money should be coming into your account right now" the person said. I hang up the phone feeling good about myself. I did love Cey once upon a time and I always thought we'd get back together and when I found out he moved on I decided to take the deal and snitch on him. I never really witnessed anything but these niggas hit me up and they knew a lot of information and told me what to say. I now I'm getting paid so it's a win win.

Diamond's POV
We was all sat in the hotel waiting for an update. I got a notification on my phone so I checked it.

Sent at 6:43pm

I frowned at my phone in confusion. Suddenly there was a loud ass knock on the door. Isareigh got up to go answer it but I stopped her. "Hold up a second" I whispered. There was another knock. I looked at Niyah and pointed to where the gun was. She got the hint and went to get it.

Jasmine's POV
"Have you done it yet" I said to the guy I hired to take care of Diamond and Niyah. "Nah I went there and there was a bunch of niggas on there way there already so I left" he said. "What but I ain't hire no one else" I said confused. "I guess someone had the same idea as you" he said then hang up. I sat still thinking. "What happened" said Landea looking nervous. "Some other niggas are onto them" she said. "What!"she said getting up. "Where you going this is good" I said smiling. "You need help you fucking crazy " she said grabbing her shit and walking towards the door. "The fuck are you talking about" I said grabbing her arm. "You too much for me don't call me again" she said pulling her arm away and leaving.
To be continued....

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