Fake World

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When I've already entered my room I immediately go to shower and wear my usual oversized shirts and pajamas.

I lay in my bed feeling the softness of it and I opened my laptop to continue my upcoming report next week. After finishing it I entered the virtual world which is the RPW (Role Play World).

I logged in my RP account which is the EIA CASTRO.It's been a day? Weeks? That i've logged in my account gosh i missed RPW and oh there's a lot of friend requests already hmm.

This always happens every time that i'm not active in RPW so i started to accept those friend requests and while accepting a message noticed on my screen from a random person named RANZ ALONZO? Oh i don't know who the fck is this and it appears that he sent waving hand emoji.

And that starts our conversation.


He waived and Waved back


Ranz:ahm hi miss.

Eia: hello zup?

Ranz: it's fine, haha.

Eia: nice haha.

Ranz:yeah single?

Eia:yes. and doesn't give a damn to love life's haha.

Ranz:wow you put a wall to yourself huh? Haha.

Eia: ofcourse.

Ranz:can you be my friend here in the virtual world?Almost girls here just want SOC (S*xOnChat/Call) and being inRS(RelationShip) and I guess you're different.

Eia: Yeah sure i can be your friend hahah.

Ranz: so hi again Eia.

Eia: hello Ranz hahah.

I'm feeling a light aura to this guy huh not the majority of guys here who are just horny and RPW is like their uhm Pornsite? That's gross am I right?

Ranz Alonzo is already seventeen years old according to what he answered in our conversation and he said that there are a lot of girls who are always asking him if he wants to be in a relationship with them hahah I feel for this guy.

Why? Because when its my first time to enter RPW theres a lot of sexuap predators who are initiating in SOC Sending voice mails which is the content of that mail is a moan like ew.

But there are invitations also of BH or BrotherHood SH or SisterHoods, Gang and group chats.Funny to remember that when i first enter that world i dont even know what the fck is BH nor SH RS or even though the LBDP cringe thingy or the Love/Like Back Display Profile and etc.

I looked like a loose kid that was searching for his mother in a crowded area haha but it's kinda fine that I found a friend there who's my age too.

She teaches me things ok what to do there and what are the things that should be avoided and I told Ranz those things to him looked trustworthy so I told him my story. He is a good person and not bad to be avoided so I was relieved.

While chatting with random things to Ranz a message was notified on my screen and when I looked at it, it was a message from the RP account of Eihz pur departments english club president.

ELIZ SMITH (Eihz' RP acc)

Eliz : oh the most important RP'r is online.

'Note the sarcasm'

When I read his message I laughed because it looked that i'm so important person to be waited her replied for three to four days hahah.

Me: yes sis school is fcking stressing you know.

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