Killer Stress

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Stress. One thing all know. The one thing that silently kills its victims. Beware for it will slip into your life without warning. You may want to pay attention to every way you turn. You may actually need to get you some eyes behind your head, I'm just saying. Let me tell you about it. For years I have dealt with stress, but not the good kind that can save your life. For example, when you see a ledge that you may fall over, you'd turn back and not go near. No, this stress is more like fear, anxiety, and depression which are basically the same. All are the same but have different names. This one tag along with you uninvited. It begins to hold down when you desire to get up. Hold you in place when you desire to move. Seals your mouth shut when you desire to speak. Closes your ears when you focus to hear. This thing tells you what to do as if a king would point his finger in a direction he commands you to go. Stress can and will torture and torment everything that you are. Everything that you are trying to be. Let yourself see who really is the enemy. It'll have you thinking and believing that things are there when they aren't. You begin to really see things that are just a figment of your imagination. Could it be really the dark side of you? Could it be the part of you that is truly a monstrous persona? Trauma.

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