07 | racin' her at thunder road

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Miles had leaned over the door of Zuko without bothering to open the door. He looked like an ungraceful version of a confused mechanic with his feet on the sidewalk and head in the seats. Digging for something he'd told Jensen to wait for. She could've been on her way. Then again, without Miles, she'd still be too far away to even know where she was trying to go.

There weren't that many people walking down the sidewalk. Yet, the ones who were gave Jensen questioning looks as she stood there with Miles half in the car.

Jensen tried to hide her face. "Um, Miles—?"

Miles pushed himself out of the Thunderbird and back onto his feet. He held out a card to Jensen, pinched in between two fingers. "Here. For emergencies."

Jensen took the card and looked down at it. Dog-eared on one corner, but clearly printed was a phone number. Jensen looked up at him. "Isn't nine-one-one for emergencies?"

Miles stuffed his hands in his pockets. "For non-emergency emergencies."

"There's still a phone number for that—"

"Christ, Rhodes, it's just in case you need it, okay?" Miles laughed. "If you're not going to let me drive you there, the least I can do is give you a Hollywood contact."

Jensen shoved the card in her pocket. "Thanks."

"Nothing is not an emergency," Miles said. He frowned. "I mean—you know—um, don't hesitate to call. Or text. If you end up somewhere... weird."

"I'll be fine," Jensen said. If not to reassure Miles, to reassure herself. This walk was going to be fine. She would be out of Miles' hair and she would be completely fine on her own.

Did internal panic classify as an emergency?

Damn it, Jensen. He hadn't even left yet.

Jensen looked to her right and tilted her chin in that direction. "So, it's down that way?"

"Yeah. It's pretty straight forward." Miles pressed his lips together and snorted.

Jensen laughed. "That was a terrible joke."

"No pun intended."

"Uh huh," Jensen said. "Sure."

Miles scratched the back of his neck. "Are you sure I can't drive you?"

"I'm sure," Jensen said, despite herself. Despite her brain telling her this walk was going to be terrible. And that she wasn't going to make it to the hotel. Jensen figured she was saying it to reassure herself as much as she wanted to reassure Miles.

"I guess I'll head," Miles said. "And I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Tomorrow?" Jensen asked.

"Screen tests," Miles said. "Keira Lim, big movie screen tests. Remember that? You're auditioning to be Sophia, and you'll be super lucky."

"And why's that?"

"Well," Miles said, rocking back and forth on the heels and balls of his feet. "You know, you don't have to audition with Hugh Gardner. I'd say you won."

"Because I get you?"

Miles held his hands out at his sides, shrugging slightly. "I'd like to think I'm better than Hugh Gardner. Correct me if I'm wrong."

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