19 | california dreamin'

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It had been a month since Jensen had talked to Keira. Who couldn't wait to get started on shooting. Jensen had applied for her worker's visa for the United States, she'd requested a substitute teacher for when school was back in session after Christmas break.

When Jensen told her students, she promised she would come visit to see 9 to 5 and would be available by email if anyone had any questions. Liberty had agreed to direct the production and take Jensen's cast list—which she had finally decided. And Katie was the best choice for Doralee. Miles had cheered when she told him that she'd finished the cast.

With everything sorted, Jensen had headed to YVR after the last class before Christmas break. Liberty had sent her a quick text telling her that she hoped her flight was good and that she should let her know as soon as she landed in Los Angeles.

Staring out the window as the airplane taxied across the runway at LAX, Jensen anxiously tapped her foot against the floor to the tune of her music. Waiting for the other passengers to get off the plane, Jensen turned her data back on and sent a quick picture to Liberty with a text that read, LA, baby.

Yes, BITCH. Liberty replied, a little too quickly. Have fun!

Jensen, one of the last people on the plane, grabbed her backpack from underneath the chair in front of her. Slinging it over her shoulder, Jensen walked off the plane. Baggage claim wasn't too much of a pain, Jensen's suitcase came crashing down in no time. Rolling it behind her, Jensen pulled her phone out as she walked to text Miles where he was.

Before she had a chance to send it, she felt a tap on her shoulder that made her jump. As Jensen whipped around, she tugged a headphone from her ear.

"You know," Miles said, holding his hands out to his sides. "It makes it a lot easier for people to get your attention in a crowded place if you don't have music in."

Jensen tried to ignore the fact that they were both wearing denim jackets and black jeans. But Miles was wearing a baseball hat and boots. Brown ones. Jensen had white trainers on. And Miles' jacket had white fleece on the collar and Jensen's was oversized with hoodie underneath. (Did it matter that it was the NYU hoodie? No.) Miles had also grown out his stubble since Halloween. Jensen had added a helix piercing to her ear. Totally not the same. Nope.

Jensen narrowed her eyes. "Noted."

Miles looked at his hands and back at Jensen. "Am I going to get a hug or are you going to make me stand here like this all day?"

Jensen crossed her arms and tilted her head up slightly. "I haven't decided yet."


Jensen let out a small laugh and stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Miles' torso. He smelled like coffee shop. Miles held her close as he breathed out a laugh.

"I want to kiss you," Miles said. Softly. Just for her. "Really bad. But I think I got followed here. We should go."

Jensen took a step back and placed a hand on her suitcase handle. "Okay."

"It's..." Miles started. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. It's good to see you. Away from a screen."

"I'm really glad you're here." Miles and Jensen exchanged soft smiles. "What are you listening to?"

"Nothing, really," Jensen said, pulling the other headphone from her ear. "I just didn't want to focus on the plane."

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