14 | what happens in hollywood

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After a night of travel and a morning of catching up on sleep, Jensen spent her first day back in Vancouver watching the Rocky movies. Yes. Those movies because Hollywood was on her mind and it was annoying to her that Hollywood really meant Miles and she didn't know why she thought watching Rocky was going to stop that. Even though she wanted it to stop. Really, really wanted it to stop. Desperately wanted it to stop.

Hollywood had messed with her head.

Liberty taught Jensen's class for the day, even though she was home. She had informed Jensen that she had a Hollywood Hangover—patent pending Liberty Faith—and needed to rest. Liberty had brought home dinner for the two of them because she claimed she was sick to escape teaching college that night.

Sitting on their living room couch after devouring a dinner of burgers and fries with Liberty's head rested on her shoulder, Liberty asked the question Jensen had been dreading since the story published. "Can I ask about the Chinese restaurant date? Or is that a what happens in Hollywood stays in Hollywood type thing?"

Jensen drew in a deep breath. "It wasn't a date. For one thing. But you can ask."

Liberty pulled her lips to the side. "Are you okay?"

"People keep asking me that."

"That doesn't mean you have to be okay if you're not."

"I think it is what it is at this point," Jensen said. "I might not like it but I accept it."

Liberty nodded slowly. "If Hollywood Jensen wears off and Vancouver Jensen wants to talk about it, let me know."

"I will."

Liberty wedged her arm between the couch and Jensen's back to lean into her and wrap her arms around her. "And if you want to talk about the trial of the man you definitely uh huh of course don't like but you stayed two extra weeks for, you can do that too."

"I... don't," Jensen said. Liberty gave her a quick glance that read bullshit. "I don't."

"What did you spend the day doing?" Liberty asked.

"I watched movies."

"Which movies?"

Jensen crossed her arms. "None of your business movies."

Liberty raised an eyebrow and poked Jensen in the stomach. "Miles Fox movies?"

"No," Jensen said. "I watched Rocky. Leave me alone."

Jensen's phone buzzed as if on cue. Liberty and Jensen both exchanged looks and lunged for the phone on the coffee table. Shoving a shoulder into her best friend, Liberty gave an extra bit of reach toward the phone and grabbed it was Jensen was recovering from the blow.

"Libby, don't!" Jensen chided as she grabbed Liberty by the waist and tackled her to the ground.

"Does that say Miles Fox?" Liberty asked, groaning as she hit the ground. She started squirming away from Jensen's grip. Liberty let out a snort. "You guys are on emoji name level? Oh my God!"


As Liberty army crawled away from Jensen and found her footing, she started typing to unlock the phone. "Oh my God," she repeated, special emphasis always on the deity. "How could you not tell me you're in a send selfies over text kind of relationship with Miles Fox?"

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