28 | sleepless in new york

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A couple weeks had passed since Miles took the reigns on Walker Studios.

A couple weeks had also passed since Miles had any free time whatsoever. Which broke Jensen's heart. Not because she thought all his time belonged to her. Because he looked exhausted after filming.

Lunch break on set was filled with meetings, because noon in New York was nine in the morning meeting time in Los Angeles. After filming, Dayna would pick them up and he'd be calling or emailing someone until he went to sleep. Jensen would've told him she was worried about him if she got more than a few minutes with him in a day. Even then, they weren't usually consecutive.

            They had spent a couple weeks filming welding scenes that Keira wanted to have edited into slow motion action shots. The scenes took a while because Keira had to make sure everything was exactly how she wanted it. Not a spark out of place. Jensen never thought acting would've taught her how to weld, but there she was. It wasn't perfect, but when someone came into fix it, they claimed it wasn't half bad either. Jensen took that as a win.

            The last scene they were filming that day was with Jason and Sophia. They were between hours of the competition and having a moment to themselves when they realized that they had feelings for each other. Jensen and Miles hadn't run lines on their lunch because Miles had to take a call regarding a studio lot available for purchase. And although he'd promised Jensen they could have lunch that day, he couldn't just let the call go to voicemail. Which Jensen understood.

            Jensen was standing beside Keira as she directed the lighting crew on what she wanted the set up to look like. (Dark like it's night, but not dark enough that they can't see they're falling in love.) A hand grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the set. She looked at who was pulling her—who else would it have been?—as Miles ducked around a corner, taking her with him.

            "What're you doing?" Jensen asked. "We just got a five minute call."

            Miles was fighting a smile. A large one. He was holding her hand like he wasn't going to have to let go when they walked back to set. "I have news."

            "News you couldn't tell me on set?" Jensen asked.

            "I can't have a moment with my girlfriend to tell her good news?"

            "What's your good news?"

            "I got the studio deal," Miles said. "A day ahead of deadline. I'm not going to be late to my party."

            "I thought you weren't excited about the party?" Jensen asked.

            Dayna had been planning his birthday for weeks. Miles had insisted he didn't want anything big. To Dayna, he'd said it was just because his birthday had never been that important to him. To Jensen, he said he really didn't want to celebrate outliving his mother. He'd been dreading his birthday the closer it got. Walker Studios had given him the excuse that he might not get there on time. But now...

            "I'm not excited about the party."

"I don't know if you know this," Jensen said, draping her arms over his shoulders. "But you're smiling like a damn idiot. Couple mixed signals there, babe."

            "Because," Miles said, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You'll be at the party and I'll be at the party. I'm not even going to bring my phone. And we can... just be us. And finally get to sit and talk. I feel like I miss you and I don't know how that's possible when I get to see you everyday. But I get to be there. With you. Only you. No studio executives interrupting us. No bullshit. Just us. And I can't fucking wait."

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