21 | coat of many colours

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Miles had picked up Jensen at her hotel in the morning because he hadn't wanted her to have to catch "some creepy cab" who was going to charge her too much. (Jensen had teasingly said, "You could just say you want to spend more time with me.") (To which Miles had replied, very not teasingly, "I want to spend more time with you please let me drive you to work.")

Walking into Millerview Studios was slightly less intimidating knowing Miles was there. And he was with Jensen. And they were together. Even if no one else knew.

"Great, you two are here," Grace said as Miles and Jensen walked into the studio. She stopped typing something on her phone to point a finger between Miles and Jensen. "Together. Interesting."

Miles groaned. "Grace, you're making a face."

"I'm not making a face," Grace said. Very much making a face. A suggestive one.

"You're making a face."

"Don't think so," Grace said. "Keira wants to talk to you. By the way. Both of you. In her office. You know where it is."

Miles and Jensen exchanged looks before he made a motion that she should go first. Which probably didn't do anything to help Grace's face that she was most definitely making, but they couldn't really help that.

Jensen stepped forward and Miles fell into stride with her. He got to the office door first, holding it open so Jensen could walk through first. Stepping through, Jensen held her hands behind her back—suddenly feeling like she was one of her students, waiting for a talk about lines or auditions. When Jensen looked at Miles he looked about the same. She swallowed hard.

Keira's chair was facing opposite them. Her head was down. Surely she'd heard them walk in...? Jensen looked at the walls, lined with posters of Keira's films she had made. In the middle was Losing Her, which proudly said 6 Academy Award Nominations including Best Director in bold letters across the top. A picture of Grace and Tanner sat on her desk.

"Keira?" Jensen said, more of a question than she had intended. "Um, you wanted to see us?"

Keira spun around in her chair. A leg draped over the other, a magazine in her hands. Jensen's eyes widened when she saw who was on the cover. Without saying anything, Keira flipped open the magazine. Her eyes scanned the pages as she read aloud. "Sparks Fly between co-stars Miles Fox and Jensen Rhodes at local LA café."

"Keira—" Miles started.

Keira held her finger up to keep him quiet. "I have to say, first, that's a damn good pun and that's exactly what I wanted with the title of this movie. Round of applause." Keira clapped her hands in a quick circle before knitting her fingers together and resting them on her stomach. "Second," she said, "I'm going to be straight with you. I'm not the kind of director to tell you to fake date to promote my movie. I think that's a dick move."

Jensen felt her cheeks redden and silently prayed Keira didn't notice. She didn't dare steal a glance at Miles to see if he was doing the same. "Um—" Jensen tried.

Keira held up her finger again before letting her hand settle back to where it had been resting comfortably. "But this—" She tossed the magazine on her desk and eyed them. Jensen's ears felt like they were on fire. "—this loved up whatever-the-fuck you're doing is working. It's getting me free publicity. It's getting buzz. And I like buzz. I like it a lot. So, I'm not going to ask what's going on. I don't care if you're really good friends. I don't care if you're dating. I don't care if you're sleeping together and that was you grabbing a coffee afterwards—"

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