25 | fox on a plane

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January had come and gone. February had done the same almost as quickly. Nearing the beginning of March, Jensen found herself filled with existential dread. Why? The end of February meant the beginning of March. (Wait for it.) And the ending of February and the beginning of March meant that the cast and crew was headed to New York for the rest of filming. (Wait for it.) Which meant that Jensen as going to have to get on another plane. To another place she didn't really know. And she didn't have Miles to ground her because they were seated in entirely different parts of the plane. (There it was.)

            Grace had booked flights at the human time of eleven in the morning. Jensen was certain it was Grace because Lucille had a habit of sending Jensen on flights no later than six. In the morning. Because Jensen apparently did something to Lucille that garnered that kind of aggressive behavior when all Jensen wanted was sleep.

            Jensen and Miles had had a quick bite to eat at one of the airport's restaurants after dropping off their luggage. (They'd managed to miss breakfast sleeping in.) (Jensen wasn't complaining in the slightest about impromptu airport brunch.) Miles stayed with Jensen until the plane was almost fully loaded before they got up to go to their seats. Jensen's leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down and as soon as Miles had seen it, he said he'd wait as long as he could with her before boarding.

            Finding her seat on the plane was easy, it was one of the last ones left. Squeezing past an older woman and a young man to get to her seat—regrettably a window seat. Jensen closed the screen as soon as she was settled. She dug her headphones out of her carry on to try and calm herself down before the turbulence started. And when it did start, it came full force. Shaking. Creaking. Rattling. She could barely hear her music over the sound of the turbulence. Jensen fought the urge to claw at the arm of her seat as the plane took to the sky.

            If all went well, Jensen told herself, the next spot of turbulence would be when they were landing. Which was just over five hours. Jensen closed her eyes in hopes that maybe she'd fall asleep and wake up in the city that never slept. If she was lucky, they'd already be on the ground and she wouldn't have to feel the turbulence. That sounded like a good plan.

            Jensen wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep when she jolted awake from a wave of turbulence. At least, she'd thought it was turbulence. When Jensen looked over to apologize to the woman seated next to her for elbowing her, she saw Miles instead. With a grin on his face. Jensen didn't even want to know how he'd got past the man in the aisle seat.

            Jensen's heart pounded in her ears as she pulled her headphones out. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

            "Hello to you too, Rhodes." Miles laughed.

            Jensen looked over the seats and back to Miles. "You're supposed to be in first."

            "Someone took my seat when I went pee." Miles shrugged.

            "Well go tell them to get out of your seat."

            "I kind of paid her to go there."

            "Am I—are you real?" Jensen looked around again. Then poked Miles in the ribs. (To which he let out a giggle as he took her hand off him and held it.) "What is going on?"

            "I thought you didn't like airplanes."

            "I don't."

            "That's why I'm here."

            "Miles—I—" Jensen pinched the bridge of her nose as she tried to comprehend what was happening while also trying to realize she was awake. "What?"

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