30 | lost in new york

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The nice thing about Dayna knowing about them was that Miles and Jensen didn't have to worry about what they said or didn't say to each other when Dayna was in the room. They also didn't have to worry about where they slept—as long as they followed Dayna's house rules. Which they had never intended on breaking, even when they were unwritten. Not that they had very long to be unwritten before Dayna had walked in.

But everything was comfortable. Sweet. It felt normal. (Although, the first time Jensen had called Miles "babe," Dayna called them "vomit-inducing.") (She promised she meant it in the best way possible.) The problem that came from the comfort was, well, the comfort. Not to say that comfort wasn't fantastic. Just that Jensen had to focus extra hard when they were on set not to say anything that would tip anyone off. And it was becoming increasingly difficult while filming scenes where Jensen and Miles' characters were falling for each other.

Keira had been staring at them suspiciously—not unlike Dayna before she knew—since the Bye Bye Bye incident. Like she knew what was going on but to keep things as professional as she could, she didn't ask questions. Jensen wasn't sure what she would say if she did.

Jensen hadn't even told Liberty. The time difference and film schedule made it impossible for her to video call. It wasn't something she just wanted to send as a text to be read whenever it was convenient. Jensen couldn't imagine herself sending Liberty a message like Hey, how are you? I'm good. Been dating Miles Fox for five months. You know, that guy you told me I was going to fall for and I said I wouldn't? Yeah, him. You were right. Well, talk to you soon, xo. Jensen wanted to tell her as face to face as she could manage when they were on opposite coasts of the continent.

"I was thinking about something last night," Miles said, the last bite of his sandwich pushed to the side of his mouth so he could talk.

Jensen raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"Well, I couldn't sleep." Miles closed his eyes quickly. He spoke just as quickly when he began talking again. "And please don't give me sad Jensen eyes because it happens sometimes and there was nothing wrong, I promise."

Jensen let out a small laugh. "Did you just say sad Jensen eyes?"

Miles nodded. And opened one eye. Then the other. Jensen assumed it meant she wasn't making sad Jensen eyes. Whatever the hell those were.

Jensen waved a hand like she was giving him the room. "Continue your thoughts. No sad Jensen eyes for you."

Miles looked like he was gauging whether Jensen was upset about being told there was such a thing as sad Jensen eyes. His shoulders relaxed a little when he realized she was more curious as to what he'd been thinking about. "Well, you shifted while you were sleeping last night. And I looked over. You looked really peaceful and it kind of felt like a moment."

"A moment?" Jensen pushed her curls behind her ear. Only to have them pop out again.

"I had an epiphany," Miles said as he tried his own hand at pushing Jensen's curls behind her ear. It worked for him. "That it kind of felt like I'd been waiting for you for a long time."

Jensen took a sip of pop from her can to hide her growing smile. "I'm saying this with the utmost respect of your feelings, that was super corny."

Miles laughed and shook his head. "Doesn't mean it wasn't the truth."

"So your thoughts were about me?" Jensen asked. "And how we should've been together sooner?"

"Yes," Miles said. Then he frowned slightly. "But also no."

"Okay, you're going to have to start explaining. Lunch is only so long."

Out of the Woods | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن