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chapter 20:▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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chapter 20:

"oh my god, i can't believe you flirted with san's cat! why would you do that?" jihyun said in between laughs. yeosang laughed along with her, "i swear it was just a one time thing! i only winked at it and went 'you lookin good mami' jokingly! i didn't know yunho saw it!" he whined, scooping another spoonful on ice cream and eating it.

"okay but even if yunho wasn't around, just why would you do that my dear, stupid yeosang?" she laughs once again, finally calming down. the boy pouts and sulkily ate his ice cream, giving up.

"anyways, it's a good thing we escaped that lame ass dance to get some ice cream instead. i know the school has never organised a dance before but i didn't expect it to be that bad." yeosang says, finishing the last bit of his ice cream.

jihyun nods, agreeing with his statement. "it was the most boring school event i've gone to, and i've been to a lot of those random events the school organises!" she exclaims.

suddenly, the door of the ice cream parlour opened, 7 noisy boys shuffling in. "jiji! yeosang! there you are! we looked all over for you guys!" seonghwa exclaimed. "why didn't you answer your phone, young lady?" he directed the question to his younger sister.

she took out her phone from her purse, sheepishly smiling up to the older. "i had it on 'do not disturb' mode. sorry." seonghwa sighs, plopping down on the seat next to her.

"well, since we're all here, let's get some ice cream!" the newly arrived boys all —except one— made their way to the counter to order, yeosang following along to get his second cup of ice cream.

jihyun notices the boy seated far away from her. "san? are you not getting ice cream?" she questions. "i'm not in the mood." he answers flatly, going back to his phone. the girl kept quiet after that.

she noticed how much more quiet the boy has been around her lately. she was upset because they had clicked really well when they first started being friends. she looked up towards the counter to see the rest of the boys still busy trying to pick their toppings. she took this chance finally to ask him.

"hey, san? are you upset with me?" she asked quietly. he immediately looked up from his phone, attention fully on her. "no! no,no, definitely not. i just– i.." he looked up to see the boys approaching the table. "i'll just tell you later." he quickly said.

"tell who what?" wooyoung noisily sits down next to him, eating his mint chocolate chip ice cream. "it's nothing." san says, quickly going back to his phone.

"are we all going back to my place tonight? it's a friday night." seonghwa asks the group. "yea, why not? that's like our second home." mingi jokes.

"alright then let's get going, it's almost ten now." seonghwa stands up, the rest copying his actions.


"no! don't talk to me! i want your things out of my locker by monday!" mingi yelled at yunho. then they proceeded to stare each other down with death glares. it would've looked much more serious if it weren't for their matching angry birds pajamas.

"guys please it's just uno—" hongjong got cut off with mingi once again yelling. "he put a plus four! now i have twenty cards! that's not what friends are supposed to do." he gave yunho the evil eye.

"mingi if you don't stop being childish i'm not giving you any of the red velvet cookies i baked a while ago. they're a fresh batch and i doubt you'd wanna pass on that. so can we just get the game moving?" jihyun silenced them all, taking her turn. "uno game!"

mingi pouted when he realised the girl had finished all her cards. she was the second one, the first being san who was on his phone once again. the girl pinched mingi's cheeks before getting up, "i'm just gonna go check on the cookies. be right back!"

jihyun walked into the kitchen, inhaling the sweet scent of the baked red velvet cookies. she took the tray out, examining them. "alright, beautiful looking." she turned around to get a large plate to serve the cookies on only to be surprised by san standing right behind her. "gosh! what is it with people scaring me in the kitchen?" she mumbled to herself.

"sorry, i uh– i wanted to talk to you. about the uh– you know, what i said to you just now." he explained awkwardly. "okay shoot."

"the reason i've been kind of distant lately is because, hear me out, i'm jealous, okay? i just– i mean– i have no right to be but i was the one who properly introduced you to most of the boys including yeosang but now it seems that you're much closer to yeosang than to me and i just–" he paused for a while, thinking of how he could continue without sounding like a petty 13-year-old girl.

"i just felt like i was being replaced. we built a great bond but we no longer hang out anymore because you're always with yeosang nowadays. and that makes me sad." he pouts, looking down. "feels like i lost my best friend to my other best friend."

the girl was surprised, she didn't know san was the type to get upset over matters like this. it was cute, in her opinion. but she was confused. she does admit that they've grown closer since their first interaction but she never knew he regarded her as a best friend. it almost made her feel bad since she lowkey still felt awkward around him, due to the feelings she used to have for the boy.

"hey now, don't say that. we can all be best friends together. i'm sorry i haven't been able to spend much time with you these days, yeosang have been tutoring me physics. don't worry, we're still the best of friends. if it makes you feel any better, you're the closest to me in the group." she smiled at him, san returning it with his dimpled ones.

"thanks, jiji. wait– am i allowed to call you that?" he asks in panic. "yes, of course. all of you are allowed to call me that." she chuckled, handing him the large plate of cookies. "now help me carry these please thank you." she grinned before quickly leaving the kitchen, san trailing behind with a smile as he rolled his eyes.

"yay cookies!" wooyoung and jongho yelled in unison, dropping their cards to devour the heavenly cookies. the rest did so too, leaving the friendship-breaking deck of uno cards abandoned on the table.

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