t h i r t y - f i v e

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chapter 35:▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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chapter 35:

the two enter their class together and their seats are still the same as last year, except they're not seated in threes anymore but instead, in twos. yunho had to be moved away, he was seated next to wooyoung. jihyun still has mingi as her tablemate and san was seated next to yeosang.

san does their gang handshake with mingi, yunho and wooyoung before he goes over to his desk to greet yeosang with the handshake only to be ignored. he puts his hand down and sits down next to the boy. he decided to leave him be, thinking that maybe he didn't get enough sleep.

"jiji, are you okay?" mingi asks the girl once she's seated down next to him. her eyes were puffy from the crying she had done twenty minutes before. anyone could see that she just cried and it worried not just mingi, but the rest of her friends too.

the only person who refused to look at her was her own boyfriend. he was still mad seeing san so close to her and she didn't even push him away. he was fine with them being touchy since they were best friends but the fact that the two were alone in the music room had his blood boiling.

"i'm fine guys, don't worry." she assures them before turning back infront to pay attention to what their teacher was saying. mingi looks at her, not believing her one bit but dropping the topic anyways.

a few hours pass by and it was break time. she stands up, sighing in satisfaction when she gets to stretch. mingi stretches his arms out too, hitting jihyun's face in the process. "ouch, mingi!"

"oh my god, ji! i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to do that!" he laughs before rubbing the part of her head he smacked, purposely messing up her hair while he's at it. she smacks his arm away, turning around to look at the rest of her friends, only seeing all of them except her boyfriend.

"where's yeo?" she asks san and he shrugs his shoulders, "i don't know. he like immediately left when the bell rang."

"is it just me or is there something up with yeosang today? he seemed a bit.. i don't know, moody?" yunho tells them. "yeah, i tried to greet him with our handshake but he like ignored me. i thought maybe he was just cranky because he didn't get enough sleep or something but," san shrugs his shoulders once again.

"i'll go talk to him. maybe he's upset i didn't greet him at all today." she quickly jogs out of the classroom, making her way to yeosang's locker where she knew he'd probably be at. and she was right.

she approaches him and stands next to him as he arranged some things in his locker. he notices her presence and turns to face her, giving her a boring look. "what do you want?"

she fet her heart drop. yeosang has never talked to her that coldly before and she was starting to think she did something to upset him. "are you okay?"

"am i okay? oh i don't know, why don't you go ask san? go meet him alone at the music room. isn't that where you always spend time alone with him?" he rolls his eyes. jihyun frowns. "yeo, what are you talking about?"

"don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about. you think i didn't see you and san flirting this morning in the music room? you two were hugging and you didn't even try to push him away! did you forget you had a boyfriend?" yeosang raises his voice, attracting attention from people passing by the couple.

"yeosang, he's my best friend! you know that already! you see us hugging all the time, why are you only getting mad about it now? it's not even something to be mad about, i hug all the guys all the time and you're always fine with that!" she tried reasoning with him.

"i'm fine with it because i can see you! why did you guys have to be in the music room alone? what was so private that you two couldn't discuss about it somewhere open? are you hiding something from me?" he accuses.

"do you really think that lowly of me? do you not trust me at all? yeosang, the only reason we were in that music room toge–"

"what? so you two can kiss and think i won't see?" he cuts her off, crossing his arms.

"you're not even letting me explain!" jihyun cries out, thankful that the hallways were now empty since most were in the canteen. "explain what? i saw you two and mina told me everything. i have all the right to be angry at you so until you have something smart to say to me, don't talk to me." he ends, slamming his locker shut as he walks away leaving jihyun behind, standing still as tears threatened to spill for the second time that day.

jihyun stares at his figure fading away as he walks further, unable to comprehend that her usually sweet boyfriend is accusing her of something so low.

yeosang couldn't believe that they just had their first couple fight since they first got together. he felt bad for saying all those things to jihyun and not letting her explain but what was there to be explained? he knew what they were doing in the music room this morning. they were kissing. mina told him that this morning after she saw him looking into the music room.

could it be that han mina is trying to ruin our relationship? he thought to himself. he wanted to not believe her but he couldn't help it. he knew san likes his girlfriend and it was possible that she could have regained her feelings for the boy too. he was conflicted. he didn't know who to believe.

and it was at that moment he realised, it was probably a bad idea to trust han mina; the girl who holds a grudge against his girlfriend. he knew that but he was blinded by his jealousy to even put it into consideration. he felt like a huge idiot.

he didn't want to lose her but he had a feeling he already did when he walked away from her a few minutes ago. he so badly wanted to turn around, run back to her and hug her tight but his ego got the best of him. he was too hurt.

he wanted her to come up to him to apologise quickly so he could hug her tightly like he always does. but he knew how stubborn jihyun could get and he had a feeling she wouldn't make the first move, though he was so very certain that she was the one at fault.

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