s i x t y - t h r e e

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chapter 63 (final):▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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chapter 63 (final):

"wow, can you believe how lucky i am?" san speaks softly as they gently sway around to the beat of the slow song. jihyun tears her gaze away from her seemingly drunk friends making a fool of themselves on the dance floor, calming down her laughter before looking right at her boyfriend in front of her. "what are you talking about, sannie?"

"like oh my god, i'm actually dating you. like, you're actually mine now holy crap. after almost a year, i finally have you. this is unbelievable, can you slap me so i know this is not a dream?" san rambles as the couple stop moving completely and just stayed staring into each other's eyes in the middle of the dance floor, san's hands on her waist and hers on his shoulders.

she chuckles at this, pinching his cheek. "don't be stupid, san. of course i'm yours, you've had me since the very beginning. remember when we first talked at school, when you were asking me some stuff regarding our history assignment and i went like 'hey there's a blueberry behind you' or something and i yeeted out of there when you turned back? yeah, your presence got me flustered to that extent. so if anyone's lucky to finally get the person of their dreams, it's me." she rests her hand on his cheeks, mindlessly running her thumb over his dimple over and over again.

"you're amazing, you know that? you always have the right things to say to make me smile and you always know how to make me laugh. you're so much fun to be around and you're so, so adorable. you're amazingly beautiful and you're mine." he boops her on the nose, pecking it before grinning at her widely.

she laughs at this, pulling him into a hug and she stays in his embrace for the rest of the song, head leaning on his chest as she listens to his steady heartbeat. he holds her close, patting her head ever so gently, enjoying the moment. it's as if they were in their own world, not bothering about all the other people in the room.

"i'm glad you waited for me. because with you, i feel a different kind of complete. you complete me." jihyun finally speaks up after their few minutes of silent slow dancing. "i would wait a lifetime to be with you." he caresses her cheeks gently, staring deeply into her dark brown orbs. she smiles in response. "don't ever leave me, okay?"

"ji, i will never. i'm not going anywhere. i'll be here every time you need me. even if you give me a hundred million reasons to leave, i'm never going to. you're the only reason i need to stay. you're my happy place." he smiles softly at her, finally pulling her in for a kiss that the two had been waiting to do all night.

of course, having done so in a place where their friends were at wasn't at all peaceful. not even five seconds into the kiss and they can already hear squealing from the distance. the couple part from each other to look at the direction of where the sound came from and it was none other than from their table. mingi and wooyoung were squealing liie 12-year-old girls, smacking each other on the arm as they fanboy about the kiss.

they laugh as they make their way to the table, jihyun playfully rolling her eyes at wooyoung and mingi's attempts of making it seem like they hadn't just freaked over their kiss. "you guys are embarrassing, you know that? let's get going already before any of you can go back to the dance floor and go crazy once again." san forces them to get up so they can already get out of the place as soon as possible.

surprisingly, all of them listened and yeosang offers to go get jongho who was busy singing his heart out after the dj had offered him to do so. the boys all walked ahead, making their way to the carpark as they played around and talked to each other. san and jihyun were walking a little slower so they could talk more without having to deal with distractions knowns as their own best friends.

"oh my god, i just remembered our first interaction actually wasn't because of the history assignment. it was actually through airdrop, remember?" san gasps as he remembers how jihyun had been the one sending him memes anonymously.

"don't even talk about that, gosh, that was so stupid. like that's actually really embarrassing, geez what was i thinking?" she mutters the last part under her breath, embarrassed of her own actions back then.

"no, it's not stupid. that was actually really creative of you, sending memes to your crush through airdrop? and now we're actually together. wow, i've never heard of such a love story before. we out here making history, baby!" he cheers once they've reached the open air of the carpark.

jihyun suddenly stops in her tracks, san doing so too as he sees her take her phone out from her purse before doing something on it. "hold on, sannie. i've got something to do. it'll take less than a minute, i promise." he shrugs, standing next to her as he waits for her to be done on her phone, thinking maybe she's just replying to a text from seonghwa or something.

he raises an eyebrow questioningly when his phone chimes from inside his pocket and jihyun only looks at him with a grin on her face. he takes out his phone, smiling once he sees what's on his screen.


jiji would like to share a photo.

jiji would like to share a photo

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Accept | Decline

san immediately clicks accept, a wave of nostalgia rushing through him as he sees this on his phone screen again after a long time. he turns to jihyun, attacking her with a hug, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around with the girl joyfully laughing, asking to be let down.

"i love you even more, ji."



and that's it for airdrop! thank you so much for reading this book and for all the support you guys have given me, if it weren't for you guys, i wouldn't have loved updating as much as i do now tbh. you guys are the cutest and sweetest people ever, thank you so much for your kind words and again, support. thanks to you guys i'm almost at 100k reads now!! make sure you guys stay hydrated and don't get sick okay!! love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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