To darkness and magic

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Hehe, 2.2K READS OMGGG THANKS SOOOO MUCH GUYS! So I still own nothing (now that I look back on this chapter at 90k readers I feel so grateful to all of you guys like seriously thank you so much for taking a chance on me and my writing)


I was in the dark. There was nothing except pitch black around me. It felt empty, lifeless, even. I didn't know what I was stepping on, almost like I was in the middle of an endless void, but I couldn't move either, my feet refused to. There was silence, not like the comforting one I was used, but a lifeless, haunting silence, one that made me shiver along with the unbearable cold. I didn't know where I was, and I didn't even know if my eyes were closed, everything looked the same.

"Dark isn't it?"

I couldn't move, but as far as I could look, the source of the voice was not visible.

"Don't try to look for me, this is me!" I couldn't see, but I could almost feel the malevolent smile on whatever that brought me here.

"W-What do you want?"

My voice trembled, my hands and feet as well, but the creature just laughed once again, as if teasing a baby. I felt something move around me, touching my face before retracting.

"You know what I want, I want everything your kind has taken away from me. They always got the fame, the glory, the recognition, but they just cast me away into the very thing I'm made of! Oh, little star, how you will regret ever stepping out of that prison."

I was falling down an endless tunnel of darkness, hugging my knees as the wind collided with my body, and I kept falling and falling. Until I woke up. 

I was sitting upright in my bed, sweat beading my forehead and my hands glued to the bed. It was just a dream, right?  I wanted to think it was just a dream a product of my imagination, but dreams don't feel so...real. It was only when I touched my eyes that I realized I was crying, because of a dream that consisted of darkness and nothing more. I took deep breath after deep breath trying to calm myself down, and when it seemed like I had regained my self-control, I stepped out of my bed, grabbed the box full of letters, and opened the first one I saw.

"Dear Reg, 

I don't know what's happening to me...something is wrong with my magic. Last week, I was alone in the Gryffindor common room, staring at the fireplace, but it seemed to be calling me. I didn't know what was happening, but I touched the fire... and it didn't burn. In fact, the whole common room was on fire, but nothing seemed to be burning, not even me. The next day, I woke up with a flame drawing on my hand. Reg, please tell me WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I have also been having these dreams, and I couldn't see anything and this... this thing would talk to me and scare me and-

Please help me Reg, I don't know what to do.

With love,

Lily Evans."

I dropped the letter to the ground, feeling my hands trembling and my breathing getting more ragged by the second. She was like me. I wasn't the only one, but she was dead now, and I didn't know if there would ever be someone like me ever again.  I didn't know what to do, so I just walked out of the classroom, my legs full of goosebumps because of the cold, and headed to Dumbledore's office. The castle looked different from a human point of view, smaller, more welcoming, but still overwhelming.  

I walked as quietly as I could as I reached the statue of a gargoyle, standing tall and proud in the dark. My next issue might as well take me hours, seeing as I had no clue how to get the statue to move, who knows what password Dumbledore might have chosen?

"Liquorice wand"



"Open sesame?"

No matter what I said, the door wouldn't budge, so I looked down at the floor, feeling slightly defeated by the inanimate object. But then I saw it, lying on the floor, a pack of Sherbet Lemons. SHERBET LEMONS.

"Sherbet lemons!"

The gargoyle then moved up, revealing a set of stairs leading to Dumbledore's office. The thought of him not being there due to the hour then hit me, but I shook it off, I had come too far and I needed answers, so I kept walking. When I entered the office, it was indeed empty, but something was off. It was a book in the headmaster's desk that gave off a mild glow, lighting up the circular room. I walked toward the desk, careful not to wake up the dozens of sleeping portraits in the room, and grabbed it.

The cover was pitch black, with the title "ELEMENTAL MAGIC" engraved on it with what seemed to be silver, and without thinking, I opened the book.

"Contrary to popular belief, the first signs of magic did not require wands back in ancient times. Long ago, wizards and witches were able to control the following elements; Darkness, starlight, wind, fire, earth, and water. Users of this specific type of elemental magic were blessed, or say, chosen by higher powers that are currently unknown to most of wizardkind.  Each element chose a worthy use to contain its power during their lifetime, and when one user died, they all died soon after. These powers were used to keep society safe, balanced, and the relationships with muggles intact, but when a user of darkness used the power for selfish reasons, he turned into darkness itself, forcing the other users to fight him in various lifetimes. The power to be a user is often carried within the oldest pureblood families who are directly related to the original chosen ones, but the elements and higher powers can choose someone of non-pure blood to carry the power.

Yes, it is possible for a user to handle more than one element, but the case has only been seen once, with Merlin himself being a carrier of water and wind. Since the 1700s, there have been no sightings of darkness, but people think it is only a matter of time before it returns, and to beat it, all of the users will need to unite, a task that has not been accomplished in centuries. 

It is important to note that elements and deities are different from one another, so while a diety might not choose a carrier of elemental power, the element itself can also perform the task."

I didn't bother to read anymore, I just closed the book and took it with me out of Dumbledore's office, hurriedly running back to my room. He knew this would happen, he left the book for me to find, but why? Does that mean that darkness is coming back, that the voice who talked to me was thousands of years old? That I had to find other people like me? How would I even find other people like me, and at 11 years old? Bloody hell, this was going to become quite the journey, wasn't it?

WOHO OOOOO we love filler chapters and anyways I hope you liked it and well BYE BENCHES (minor editing to this chapter for lore heheheheheeh BUT PAY ATTENTION TO THE BOOK PASSAGE YES YES PAY ATTENTION TO IT)

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