Chapter 024 : Aren't You Cold?

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He Jin didn’t vomit or have a killer headache. His condition in his drunken state was the same as when he got sick, no sign could be found from his complexion.

However, maybe because he wasn’t used to last night’s cold chill, he did feel a little dizzy when he woke up this morning. It was nothing big though, and instead, what He Jin felt strongly right now was the fact that he might have developed a little addiction to the intoxicated feeling he got from being drunk. He thought, maybe it’s fine to go out and drink once in a while…


That night, He Jin still had to do his promised lecture, so he followed Tong Xuan’s advice and went to the lecture hall in advance. Once arrived, he could see that many younger girls had come to watch, but He Jin did not feel nervous. For him, this occasion was much easier to do than when he had to call Fire as his “husband”.

Not long after, Guo You and several members of the Foreign Language Club came over and pulled at him to gossip about Qin Yu’s action of carrying him to the school’s hospital before.

“You are exaggerating…” He Jin said, unable to refute them one by one.

Guo You exclaimed excitedly, “Those people who saw it were so shocked that day! Many have guessed that the school idol might have interest in that “department”, but to think that he would actually carry you and run out of the dormitory directly! What did both of you do before that!”

Some of the girls who listened to this covered their mouth and let out a strange giggle.

He Jin was confused, “What do you think we did?”

One of the braver girls answered bluntly, “You two must have done ‘that’, and then you became dizzy afterwards …”

He Jin: “……….” I want to keep my distance from these horrible creatures! (=_=)

He ignored them and walked to the podium, but just as he turned, He Jin suddenly saw two familiar figures appear at the doorway: Qin Yu and Zhao Xibai.

Qin Yu also saw him and waved. Following this, the sudden sound of deep intake of breaths could be heard resounding in the whole hall. Many girls began to look back and forth between He Jin and Qin Yu, before whispering and giggling among themselves.

He Jin tried his best to ignore this, and continued walking to the podium. He then opened the PPT he had prepared before, and coughed into the mic–“Please be quiet… I am very pleased to receive the invitation from the Foreign Language Club, and I am honored to see so many of my juniors coming here to listen to my lectures… For English level Six examination review and preparation, I summed up some of the materials from my own learning experience, I hope to help ….”

While holding a laser pointer, He Jin started his lecture, talking slowly and reasonably. He explained many things, from the scope of the materials involved in the examination, to the type of questions that usually would come out, and then he continued to review the cycle and arrangements in time-frame basis. Everything was told through logical and well-organized details.

He used to be a member of the Student Council in high school, and often had to speak on stage for lectures like this, or to give speeches at his school’s events. During that time, he was trained again and again to reign on his fear of crowds, and as a result, now he was able to calmly face and talk in any formal occasions, be it at an interview, exam, giving report, or when he had to give lectures like this…

“He is very good, and he speaks even more clearly than our English teacher!” Zhao Xibai said while taking notes in his book earnestly.

Qin Yu did not bring anything with him, so he put his hands in his pockets, and sat down idly. However, his eyes never strayed far from the figure on the podium. His gaze locked tightly at the other boy’s body, appreciating each and every gesture he made, and carving even the smallest movements and expressions into the depths of his mind…

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