Chapter 063 : The White-Haired Woman

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Twig Fence bumped against the city’s rampart, yet still persistently sent a private message to Ah Jin: “Why are you not letting me join the team ah!”

He Jin’s eyes widened, he could only explain, “I just came online, the captain is not me… How come you haven’t slept yet?” He did not forget that the other player was someone who lived in another timezone. It was currently one o’clock in the afternoon where he was, so counting the time difference of eight hours, it should be three o’clock in the morning in the UK ah!

Twig Fence: “Too early, I usually sleep at five or six o’clock in the morning!”

So, not only this guy lived in a different timezone, he was also part of the stay-up-all-night group; He Jin didn’t even know what timezone he’s in anymore!

Without He Jin needing to ask him about being domesticated by Dead Water, Twig Fence opened the topic on his own, “Hey Ah Jin, I was domesticated recently, my master is a super famous guy. He is the top fourth-ranked master ah!” After the merger of the three servers, Dead Water’s ranking fell from the second to the fourth.

In his heart, He Jin thought: ‘I know, I know, your Master is Dead Water, the “invisible man” who talked to me the last time we were online. I did not expect him to start eyeing you after I left…’

But seeing how excited Twig Fence was, the apparent “seeking worship” expression on his face, He Jin couldn’t bring himself to tell the truth. The other guy was obviously waiting for recognition, so He Jin replied: “Wow, amazing!”

…… urgh, this feels like I’m playing with children’s feelings (=w=)

Twig Fence: “Hehe, being domesticated is really cool. My master not only sent me a lot of things but also took me to upgrade. I am now a level five spiritual pet! Next time, I’ll call my master to play with you!”

……Five levels in two days? Although the first few levels are easy to rise, this leveling speed is really fast!

Twig Fence: “But I can’t change my form when my master is away, it’s a little troublesome.”

Indeed, He Jin always felt that this must be a bug in the spiritual pet profession. Without the domestication masters, the spiritual pets had no attacking power, they couldn’t do anything except for shopping and seeing the scenery.

Ah Jin: “Is he not there?”

Teig Fence: “He said he has to work today, he can only come in the evening. I was bored, so when I saw you online I wanted to ask you to play together, don’t you want to?”

Ah Jin: “I’m doing a husband and wife mission now…”

Fence: “Dang, you are married!”

Ah Jin: “Yeah…”

Just after he replied this, Fire had brought him to land in front of the Weaver Girl. “What are you doing?” Fire also sent him a private message.

He Jin didn’t expect Fire to be able to detect his distraction. He answered, “I am chatting with Twig Fence, the panda you just mentioned.”

Interestingly, there was no reply from Twig Fence after that.

Fire narrowed his eyes and asked, “You are usually with me when online, when did you have time to meet new friends?”

Somehow, the tone of Fire’s voice made He Jin feel that uncomfortable. He hastened to explain about his experience that morning to the other man until his expression finally eased a little, “You also picked wind chimes?” Fire asked.

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