Chapter 121 : It Doesn't Make Sense

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The audience was eagerly awaiting Fire to take Ah Jin and jump down. At least, all the members would then meet there, and they might have a higher chance to win. Expectedly, someone started talking on the public channel.

[Arena] “Fire”, “I will stay in the cave with Ah Jin and fight with the Binghua dogs. You three meet first, and we’ll be there shortly.”

Not only didn’t Fire bring Ah Jin to jump off the cliff, but he even had time to reply on the public channel! And not only did he reply, but that was also a long sentence!

…Be there shortly? Was Fire going to KO these three guys then meet with his mates?

The audience was dumbfounded. At this critical moment, how could Fire act so calmly? Did he really have the power to, or was he overconfident of himself?

The host was stunned as well, and he uttered a sound of embarrassment…

Bullet screen —

“I want to know who are these ‘Binghua dogs’ that Fire was referring to? Who was he scolding at?”

“It should be the abbreviation of the three guys – Ice-cream (Haagen-Daaz), Flower Yiyi and Inuyasha…”

“I suddenly thought of Lu Binghua…”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

After sending that message, Fire commanded Ah Jin, “Ah Jin, you fight the dog with Dumpling, and let me handle Binghua.”

Since Fire said this using the voice message function, and inside the map, some players were also using this function. Although the audience didn’t hear it clearly, people around Fire did.

Inuyasha was so pissed off that he yelled, “hell! I’m a wolf, not a dog!”

Fire asked seriously, “aren’t they the same?”

Inuyasha, “…”

Bullet screen —

“I feel for Inuyasha, haha…what a smart guy!”

“Fire is really good at arguing…”

“Are you sure that Fire didn’t say such things to piss off Inuyasha? Well, he even bullied his wife!”

Haagen-Daaz said coldly, “Fire, for the singles PK, you just won me with a blood level of 10%, but now you have to face both me and Yiyi, aren’t you a bit arrogant?”

“Not at all, you will see!” Then, he took out his sword and released a “Fire Hell” trapping trick, which is similar to the one used in the air attack. With this trick, he had fixed Flower Yiyi who had wanted to attack Ah Jin from behind.

On the side, Ah Jin, with a blood level of 62%, had turned into a ferret, and together with Dumpling with a blood level of 9%, they were facing Inuyasha with 77% of blood.

Inuyasha was thinking, so what if these two united against him? Their blood levels aren’t even higher than his!

He couldn’t help but started teasing them, “little ferret, you had fun in escaping in the fairy pets PK, are you going to do the same now?”

Ah Jin, “…” (=____=)

Parents have a natural connection with their children. The offensive attitude of Inuyasha toward Ah Jin was as offensive for Dumpling too. The intelligent magic baby immediately started his fire attack in the air, knocking out 3% of Inuyasha’ s blood.

Inuyasha, “…” Darn it, this system pet’s attack power was indeed quite strong!

He no longer wanted to talk nonsense, so he hurried to Ah Jin, and Dumpling was making weird noises. They continually fired against Inuyasha from above, just like a little monster!

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