Ch.7 Victory

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-Your pov

Somehow I knew that it was going to happen. My parents and bf/n have my back. My other friends don't want any part of it. So they separated themselves from us. It hurt, but it also showed who was a friend and who wasn't. They would talk among others before looking back at us during our last class. They rushed past us when the bell rang. I sighed and grabbed my bag. 

"Meet me outside the school doors." Bf/n whispered before leaving to grab her things. If she is planning on fighting Cole's gang she should reconsider. There's no chance even if we fought together. I grabbed my stuff and walked through the doors to meet her anyway. I was surprised to see her bike in front of me. 

"It's not much, but it'll help you outrun those fuckers." She stated. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

"Bf/n I can't take this." I said as she gave me the handle bar. 

"I never used it. Never will. I literally live across the parking lot.       Besides,   you need it more than me." She replied while smiling. I immediately hugged her.

"If you need anything just come to my house anytime.   I'll be there." She finished before picking up her bag and walking away. I studied the f/c bike for a moment. It was basically brand new. I looked around to make sure that Cole wasn't nearby. It's been awhile since the last time I've been on a bike. My balance was a little off for a moment, but it got easier once I left the parking lot. I looked back to see Cole and his group stepping out of the school. I stopped the bike and watched their confused faces looking around for me. Absolutely priceless.   I smiled and continued riding my bike the moment they saw me. I could hear them shouting at me. Most of them were telling me to stop. 

"Like that's gonna happen." I mumbled as I peddled faster. We were parallel to the border of the forest. I noticed a bright color sticking out and looked over. It was Hoodie peaking out from behind a tree watching Cole and the others chasing me. I immediately knew what he had in mind, and who he was targeting. I didn't stop to watch. Cole was still running after me while the others stopped to catch their breath. Cole can't keep going forever. He'll eventually run out of breath too. After a few more blocks, he stopped.

"You can't keep running forever Y/n!" He shouted while I simply laughed. I won. It was a great feeling. I can definitely get use to this. I put the bike in the garage as soon as I got home. My parents noticed that I was in a pretty good mood. They seem happy about it. I got my homework done with my parents help before going upstairs. I played f/g with my brother for a few hours . He was won as usual but I didn't mind. Dinner was great. It was my turn to wash dishes. There wasn't much so I won't complain. I  finished the last dish before looking out the window towards the backyard. My eyes widened a little at the sight of Hoodie jumping up and down from behind the fence obviously trying to get my attention. I smiled and looked around the house to make sure that everyone was in bed. My brother was on his phone so he'll be unaware of my absence. I quietly stepped outside and climbed the fence. His hoodie was covered in blood. 

"You killed all of them?" I asked. He started walking along the border of the forest so I walked with him. 

"Not all of them. Masky and Toby killed a couple. I couldn't find the lead asshole." He replied before looking at me. 

"Honestly Y/n, I doubt anyone will join his group. They will think he's cursed or some crap." He finished. Those words gave me peace for some reason. 

"In a way he is. Everyone that follows him dies." I added. Hoodie looked at me while we continued to walk. 

"Did you tell your friends and family about those assholes?" He asked before stopping by the last house by the border. I was confused for a moment before realizing that if he walked any farther, he would end up in the city. 

"I told them. I only have one friend left now." I replied before we started walking back. I heard him whisper something, but I couldn't understand his words. I think he was apologizing or something along those lines.

"Real friends will stay with you even in the storm." Hoodie stated before looking at me. 

"They'll have your back and stab the backs of your enemies." He finished. 

"That is so like you Hoodie." I said while laughing a little. I stopped and looked at him. I was curious about him. What does his face look like? What's his real name? Why does he still talk to me after that night? I sat down by the fence followed by him. 

"You visit me.  You watch me pretty often.     Why?" I asked. He shifted side to side for a while.

"I've been sneaking out of the mansion to visit. It's nice talking to someone that's not a born killer like the rest of us. Killing seems to be the only thing they talk about." He stated while resting his head against the fence. 

"Do you miss having a life outside of the creepypasta world?" I asked before he scoffed. 

"Hell no. I love what I do. Normally I kill in the woods, but the killing spree that I went on with Toby and Masky in the city that night was more exciting. I think some of us are going to hunt in the city more if Slenderman allows it." He said before looking at me. I could tell that he was smiling behind that black fabric. 

"Besides, it'll give me an excuse to visit you again. Maybe next time I'll get that last asshole." He finished making me smile a little. I sighed before looking at the fence. I guess Hoodie knew what I was about to say because he got me up and helped me over the fence. 

"Meet me tomorrow at eleven in the alley where we met that night." Hoodie said before running back into the woods. I smiled a little before going to my room. I have something to look forward to tomorrow.

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