Salty Tears, Collagne, and Motorcycles

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I knew I was going to have to tell dad one way or another, and I didn't want him to be told by mom because I was too scared so after I talked to mom for about thirty minutes I got up and we walked down the stairs together. I wanted her with me, more than anything in the world at that moment but I knew when she saw dad's disappointed look she would immediately side with him so I asked if I could do this with him, alone. I clenched my teeth when she said yes, it was my bodies natural response I guess because I didn't mean to do it, but I guess I was just hoping she would say no that she wants to be there, guess not. I took a deep breath and walked down the basement stairs, I knew exactly where he was because he goes to work on his latest project when he is mad, or anxious or even sad sometimes. Other times, he just leaves for a while like one time he was gone for a total of three days and I cried myself to sleep each of those nights thinking he wasn't coming back because he hadn't called and when I tried to call him, he sent it to voice mail thinking it was mom. I walked into the "working room" as he called it and waited for him to notice I came in here. His thoughts were deep into his work as he tinkered on his motorcycle that wasn't running properly at the time. He looked up and saw me immediatly causing my to shrink back in fear as he stood up, his tall, muscular build towering over my short lean one. His once long black wavy hair was turning gray, it was shorter since he cut it and straight as a needle, he was still handsome for a father though. I was only five feet so six feet two, was really tall for me, I swallowed as I watch my dad inch closer, close enough to see his deep green eyes stare into my green but not as green as his eyes, I felt like he was tearing away at my soul each time he blinked, which was a lot. I soon after noticed how he was blinking away tears, I sniffled loudly and he embraced me in a hug burring me in his jacket that smelled like after shave and grease, I relaxed "I am-" he cut me off by shaking his head and I just let all my muscles melt into his strong embrace. "I love you dad." I felt him smile as he rested his chin on my blonde, wavy hair "I love you too." He whispered just loud enough for me to hear. He sighed loudly making my blood run cold as he pulled away, wearing a blank expression he asked "How did you like, um, what was it called again." I smiled a little "It was a great church, it's called The Vine, I actually loved it I think I am going back next week-" I ranted on but stopped noticing the grim look on his face "Why do you hate church? Better yet why do you hate God?" His green understanding eyes turned gray, and cold again like this morning "No reason. Why don't you just go." I nodded tears threatning to spill as I wiped them away with the cold sweater I wore. I turned on my heel quickly running up the stairs to get away from the terrible atmosphere that made my skin cringe, I can't do this anymore I thought as I opened the door into the warm house.  I sighed knowing I would have to tell the whole story to my mom, reliving the good and bad moments, I shut my eyes and shook my head. "Not now," I told my mom as she came up to me, her tall figure embracing me too. I was the only short one in my family other than my aunt Amanda, we were both super short and my mom was a beautiful brunette who was skinny, with eyes that could hipnotize you in a second. "I gotta go, do homework." I stated running to my room, nope couldn't do it.

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