Midnight, Cell Phones, and Mascara

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I pulled my hair back in a bun and walked upstairs, I really should be doing homework I thought to myself but rolled my eyes immediatly. I don't care, the teachers can suck it up and give me an extra day, I am going through the dreaded two words which everyone is afraid of "Family Troubles",  I sighed and flung my self on my bed hitting my elbow on the way down, ehh the pain wasn't bad. I have been through worse, I sighed because I knew I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep in these jeans, and this shirt so I pulled myself to my feet and pulled random pajama's out of my drawer. I had on grey baggy sweatpants with white lace on the sides, and a t-shirt advertising "Micheal Jackson" that was comfy but not too baggy, so I flopped myself back down on the bed, dodging the wall this time, hiding my elbow and grabbed the book off my shelf turning on the lamp. I loved reading, it was one of my favorite passtimes and I could read for hours on end, at the moment I was reading "Insurgent" the second book of the "Divergent" series. Four was my favorite, I love him and Tris together, spoiler alert!  I fell asleep reading with my book on my chest, lamp still on, and legs sprawled in total opposite directions, when I woke up I started to think everything was just a dream but I knew it wasn't. I tried falling back asleep but I couldn't, I looked at my clock that read 11:45 pm in bright red letters, I closed my eyes for a couple more minutes but sleep just wouldn't come my way, I grabbed my iPhone that was on the night-stand across from me the screen blinding me, I turned the brightness down, I would hate to be blind. I had a new message from Andrew that read "How are you doing? I miss you, and had fun at church today." I smiled slightly and rubbed my eyes hard since they still weren't getting used to the light reflecting off from my iPhone, I texted back "I'm fine I guess, miss you too. I had an amazing time at church, thanks for taking me, god knows mom and dad wouldn't. XOXO, Cienna." I waited for a minute wondering if he would text me back but instead he facetimed me, without thinking of my matted hair that was falling out of its bun, and my mascara dripped eyes, I answered. "Hey, Andrew." He looked at me with a bewildered face as if I had just been run over by a bus, "Oh, sorry I probably look terrible." I wiped my eyes desperatly trying to get the dried mascara off my face. "It's fine, you look sad. Hold on, I will be there in a minute." I rolled my eyes and replied "You don't have to come over." I was cut off by a beep that notified me that he hung up. I sighed and walked into the bathroom turning on the water I looked up in the mirror at myself, I did look rough. I swallowed and yanked the pink scrunchie out of my half up- half down bun as I struggled to get it out I just stopped for a minute to think about how done I was with life. I couldn't stand it anymore, nothing could go right and I couldn't even start to explain how just helpless I felt constanly. I was the kind of person who always wanted to stay on top of things and at the moment I felt at the bottom, like I was carrying everything around, struggling to not collaps any moment, and I think my legs are about to give out. I finally got the scrunchie out of my hair and brushed my fingers unsuccessfully through my curly blonde hair and washed my mascara dripped face off. I opened my drooping eyelids wide when the burst of icy water hit my face and then wiped it off with an orange towel that I didn't even know I owned. I looked down at my lounging around outfit that I wore a lot and Andrew saw me in twenty four seven but still, if he was driving all the way over to my house I should look halfway decent. I threw on some shorts that I hadn't worn in a while since school had just started and were too short because they were "shorter than my fingertips" as they quoted. I got a warning but the next time I wore it they would dress code me and I would have to wear the ugly gym shorts that they gave to everyone that was dress coded. I threw those on and looked at the pretty colors and patterns that were tribal on the front and on the back were just plain with lace pockets. I then grabbed a random top from my closet that was a plain white tank top that was tight at the top and got flowy at the bottom and just as I was about to put my sandals on I saw headlights passing down my street, so I threw on my flip flops and walked down stairs as quietly as possible and opened the door making a creak. I cringed and waited a minute then slipped through and shut it successfully not making a sound. I ran down the steps and skipped to his ugly bright orange jeep and knocked on the window making him jump, opening the door he commented "I was just about to text you that I was outside." He looked me up and down "You clean up nice in ten minutes." I rolled my eyes as he went on "I thought the female species was supposed to either look really messy or beautiful depending on the time given. Guess I was wrong." He remarked shrugging his shoulders, I stared at his beautiful dark brown hair that was long but in all the right places without looking like a hobo that hasn't ever had a hair cut, I smiled at him when he met his blue eyes to my green ones. He pulled out of the drive way, "So, talk to me." I took a deep breath not willing to argue and started on the long story I was about to reveal. 

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