7. We'll Meet Again?

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Note: Apologies for the long wait folks, I've really struggled with this one so I've decided to do it a little bit differently to usual - instead of going chronologically ie Em's view of one event, then Dan's view of what happened next, I'm giving you the full scenario from both sides. I hope it still makes sense because there was some scenes that just had to be told (I felt) from both sides, and once I freed myself up to do that everything felt a whole lot easier. This chapter is also twice as long as a result so I hope it makes up for the delay. 


I stared at my phone, doing exactly what I had been trying NOT to do for the last few hours, willing it to go off, while at the same time terrified that it would. He's just being friendly I told myself, he likes your photographs and maybe he even likes your company a little bit too. Nothing more. He's a glamorous, globe-trotting F1 superstar and you're a mediocre minimum-wage shop girl with a creative hobby. F1 drivers date models, musicians, and milionaires (or all of the above), not girls like you. 

 But he did call you. The devil on my shoulder reminded me. He asked to see you.

 The phone vibrated loudly in the silence, sending my head and my heart into meltdown.

'When do you leave?'

'3pm Monday x'

 I deliberated, then removed the kiss before hitting send. I didn't really know what text kiss etiquette was under these sorts of circumstances. Do guys like text kisses? Do guys like girls who like text kisses? Jamie sent you kisses. Yes but you and Jamie were in love I told myself sternly. Anyway Daniel was nothing like Jamie, practically a different species physically and mentally. Daniel was tall, strong, laid back and outgoing, Jamie smaller and slighter, more introverted and intense. More like you? My inner voice spoke up again and I smothered it hurriedly. It was irrelevant anyways, I was NOT falling in love with Daniel Ricciardo and he was DEFINITELY not falling in love with me. 

 I had far more important things to think about. Tomorrow was my first chance to be trackside with the 'real' photographers and I was determined not to mess it up. Aware that efficiency and enthusiasm could work in my favour, I had already edited and sent my favourite shots of the day to Darren, and he had offered to meet me at the circuit and help me get my bearings in the morning. 


I was interrupted by the phone once again.

'Sunday night?'

'Don't you guys have some sort of after-party thing? Celebrating or drowning your sorrows, whichever'

'They won't miss me for an hour or two, or better yet I could sneak you in ;)'

'I wasn't designed for celebrity parties'

I panicked. I seemed to be doing a lot of that where Daniel was concerned. One thing I did know for sure was that a lanky librarian lookalike such as me, was not just going to walk into the Amber Lounge on Daniel Ricciardo's arm and mingle with the glitterati.

'Sunday night. I'll text you. Don't bail on me now'

That night I dreamed of two very different pairs of hypnotic brown eyes.


Saturday had been bright and clear, unlike my mind which raced faster than the cars on track.   Fortunately Darren had been waiting for me with a reassuring smile and, more importantly, a plan. For qualifying we were centred around the Swimming Pool complex with views across to the pit lane and today..today we would start at the notorious Saint Devote. I was struck once again by exactly how surreal this whole week was turning out to be. 

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