20. Scream If You Wanna Go Faster

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He didn't need to know about Jamie I reasoned as I stood in front of the mirror. We weren't actually together at that point, still weren't really for that matter. He'd told me I needed to figure out what I wanted, and I had. With any luck he'd never have to find out exactly what that entailed. It was our secret.

Our guilty, dirty little secret

Faced with the age- old question 'what to wear?' I answered it with the usual response - 'the only decent thing I've got in my suitcase'. Travelling with enough camera equipment to open my own shop didn't leave much room for extensive outfit choices. Our feelings might have been out in the open this time, but there were still just as many nerves: would I look good enough to impress Daniel? Would I look good enough to be seen in his company?

It was precisely his reaction as I arrived at the swanky venue that put my mind at ease. If I was good enough for Daniel I was bloody good enough for anyone, not that anybody else mattered. Placing his hand gently against my back as he steered me towards the bar, I realised that even in front of the great and good of Formula One, he was not ashamed to be seen with a gangly English nobody.

"Thanks for the recommendation" I mouthed smugly as we passed the bronzed blonde in the bodycon dress "GREAT kisser". I moved a little closer to Daniel's side and felt him subtly brush his fingers against my bare arm in response. 

"You really shouldn't have said that - you've probably made an enemy for life now"

He was trying his best to look serious, but his voice wobbled and the corners of his lips twitched in silent mirth. Daniel Ricciardo might be a man of many undeniable talents, but keeping a straight face wasn't one of them. 

"Emiardo! Finally!" A broadly smiling Jenson Button came into view with his beautiful fiancee in tow. 

"Hold up just a minute... MICHIBUTTON" (my attempt wasn't much better than his)  "it's a bit early for that yet, give it a few more weeks and at least then that'll give you time to come up with something better"

"Touche' " he chuckled

"Hi Jessica" I greeted the Japanese girl nervously. Though obviously familiar with her face (and her fiancee) this was the first time we'd actually met. Tonight a vision in a figure-hugging coral dress, she immediately made my own outfit seem more pigeon than peacock by comparison. 

To my surprise she immediately leaned in and kissed me on both cheeks. It was a sign of acceptance that I wasn't expecting, definitely not so soon anyway, and I dared to hope that maybe like Jules, and like Jessica, there really was a place for me in the paddock. At least with 'The Buttons' I felt like I might have a couple of allies, whatever happened. 

 "I like your dress" she smiled warmly.

"Thanks...you too...erm...I'd offer to swap but I reckon I'd only manage to fit one leg into yours"

She laughed, and if there had been any ice remaining it was well and truly broken now. With my confidence at an all-time high, I knew that I could relax and enjoy the evening (and the night)  ahead.


"I had ONE!" I insisted as we collapsed, giggling into Daniel's hotel room, oblivious to the fact that anyone walking along the corridor at that time of night could have seen us.

"Liar! You were off your face!"

"I was just high on life!" I insisted a little too loudly. It was mostly true - I'd had a couple but mainly I was just buzzing from the occasion, the atmosphere, the people, and the incredible man at my side.

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