21. Meet The Parents (Again)

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Monaco was rapidly beginning to occupy a very special place in my heart, as was the man who I would forever associate with it. 

Dan was lying face down on the bed watching television when I returned from the shower, and I took a moment to appreciate the view before  climbing astride him with glee and flopping across his back. He was wearing my favourite outfit, a term which applied to pretty much anything Dan wore which wasn't accompanied by a shirt, and he looked damn good in it. I dragged my finger nails lightly up his sides and across the back of his shoulders, grinning evilly as I felt him squirm beneath me. Raising myself up just enough to let him roll over, I swept my hair slowly across his chest and ran my tongue lightly along his collarbone - a weakness I had discovered the previous night, and was determined to make good use of. Now that I had him in a state of total, blissful surrender I was ready to drop the bombshell.

"My parents are comng to Spa...and my brother...and a few of their friends...STAY!" I commanded, placing a palm against his chest as he attempted to sit up. "Before you say anything this was all organised months ago and I wasn't even meant to be going"

"How come?"

"Couldn't afford it - spent everything on Monaco accomodation"

 "You DO remember that we've had this conversation before right? I've already met your parents"

"Yeah but not since we...y'know..for real. It's only been a couple of weeks" 

"If they're anything like mine they'll already know - seriously I could take you home, stick you in a line up of twenty girls, and my Mum'll ask how long I've been dating the tall one"

"Oh so we're dating now are we?" I couldn't prevent the smile from spreading across my face.

 "I'm sorry, would you rather I rephrased that to 'how long have I been fu..."

"Dating sounds good!" I insisted hurriedly "especially when my parents are within earshot".

I leaned forward and kissed him slowly before he could say any more, determined to stay 'on top' of the situation this time, even when he grabbed my hips and pulled me against him, even when desire began to build and the 'innocent' little kiss became something far more fevered, even when...

"Behave" I croaked breathlessly, pulling away and removing his hand with regret. "We've both got flights to catch in a matter of hours".

"Your fault" he smirked

"You're the racing driver" I retorted with a scowl "you're the one who's supposed to know when to push and when to hold back"

"Now you're just talking dirty." He laughed as I rolled my eyes and rolled off the bed. 


How do you prepare for a midnight Skype date with someone on the other side of the world? I sat in bed and attempted to make myself presentable, from the neck up at least, subtly framing my eyes and painstakingly straightening my hair until it sat smooth and shining against my cheeks, albeit only for the next five minutes.

"Hey Panda" Dan grinned broadly into the camera as I answered the call, sending electric charges crackling through my body. The nickname he had given me in Hungary seemed to have stuck and I put up with it good-naturedly - after all anything that reminded me of that weekend, and particularly that night couldn't be too bad, although a panda and a honey badger had to rate as one of nature's more unusual pairings. 

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