17. Ein großes verdammtes Durcheinander

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Ground swallow me NOW!

To quote the legendary Murray Walker 'the atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a cricket stump'.

I looked from the man I had loved more than any other, to the man who was unexpectedly sweeping me off my feet. They couldn't be more different, but I cared deeply about both of them.

"Dan this is Jamie...Jamie, this is..."

"I know who he is"

Both men spoke simultaneously, and the temperature in the room became noticeable cooler.

"Dan is the one who helped me get this job" I offered, by way of an explanation (albeit not a FULL explanation) 

It's not actually a lie I justified to myself. I had never been any good at lying - my face usually betrayed my guilt. I could tell Jamie wasn't buying any of it, and I didn't dare meet his eyes. 

"I'll see myself out"

He put his hand on my arm briefly but possessively, and left without looking back, shutting the door behind him. 

"How much did you hear?"

I turned to face the Aussie, well aware of the tears that still threatened to fall. I was desperate to feel his arms once more, to bury myself in his neck and inhale the scent of his skin, but one look in his eyes paralysed me where I stood. 


"So you heard me say that it was over, that I was moving on?" I could hear the desperation in my own voice and I cursed myself for it, while at the same time willing him to hear it, to understand. 

"I heard you SAY it yes, I'm still waiting to hear you MEAN it"

"I do mean it"

"Then why can I only hear doubt?"

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didnt want to"

"I don't think you know what you want, but I think you'd better figure it out by yourself"

His shoulders sagged, and he began to walk slowly towards the door. The tone of his voice cut through my final defences, and I could feel the trails of misery begin to run down my cheeks.

"Dan wait"

He paused as he caught sight of my tear-streaked face, and I could see the conflict in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Em, I'll see you around"

"At least take that with you - it's yours after all"

I pointed towards the small canvas in the corner.

"Take it" I repeated as he hesitated.

He nodded silently, tucking the painting under his arm as he left the house, and took what remained of my composure with him.



The minute the seatbelt light went out, Sebastian's tousled head appeared over the top of the chair.

"Care to tell me why you've been walking around with a face like Ron Dennis?"

 I shook my head and pointed to my earphones, even though I'd heard him perfectly well. 

"Woman trouble then" he smirked.

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