16. Homeward Bound

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"What now?" It was a bloody good question, and one I didn't think either of us were qualified to answer at this moment in time, particularly after a somewhat eventful evening.

"How about we talk about that in the morning when we've had a chance to sleep on it?" Considering the amount of sparks that had been flying I was impressed with myself for coming out with something so sensible. And a little disappointed. 

She nodded thoughtfully in agreement, and I took that as my cue to go and change, deciding against my usual shirtless bedroom attire. Despite the earth-shaking vibes I'd got from that kiss i didn't want to push my luck - early days and all that. 

"Your turn" I called over to her, sprawling flat out on the mattress as she disappeared into the adjoining room. 

"Is that really what you wear to bed?" I laughed as she finally emerged clad in a long purple sweatshirt and a tiny pair of black shorts. "Don't get me wrong - the shorts I approve of"

"No but when I'm cold I wear pink pyjamas covered in cartoon sheep, and when I'm hot I sleep in my underwear and I have no intention of letting you see me in either just yet"

I liked the sound of the 'yet' but I figured it was better not to comment as she clambered onto the couch and pulled the spare blanket up to her chin. 

"You can have the bed - I'll be fine with the couch" I insisted, sliding my feet off the mattress and onto the floor.

"No - you very important F1 driver, me humble peasant" she retorted stubbornly, an impish grin playing about her lips. 

I made a sudden lunge for the couch, sliding one hand under her back, and another under her bare legs in an attempt to lift her but she wriggled out of my grasp, pulling me down with her onto the cushions. My face hovered millimetres from hers as I searched her eyes for permission to kiss her again. 

 Her eyes revealed nothing but her lips did as she lifted herself up and pressed them softly to mine.

"Y'know you really don't have to sleep on the couch" I murmured into her skin.

"Daniel Ricciardo haven't we just been through this, I...."

"I wasn't talking about a swap" I interrupted her mischievously  "there's plenty of room for us both. TO SLEEP" I added hastily at the look on her face which said plainly 'easy tiger - I'm not that sort of girl'. 

This time she didn't resist as I gathered her up in my arms and carried her over to the bed, Climbing in beside her I pulled the covers around us both and drew her in towards me until her head was nestling comfortably against my chest. Stroking her hair soothingly I allowed myself to close my eyes.


"Mmmmmmmm?" I muttered sleepily

"Are you drunk?"




"Soooo...this wasn't a mistake then?"


I turned off the light and smiled into the enveloping darkness


As the sun began to creep through the gap in the curtains, I propped myself up on one elbow and gazed down at the man whose bed I had somehow ended up sharing. I didn't want to wake him but i couldn't keep my hand from roaming across his shirt, while my mind roamed over what lay beneath it. I delicately trailed my fingers up and down his body, noting the gentle rise and fall of his chest beneath my hands, the soft whisper of his breath, the twitching of his lips...

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