11. Past and Presents

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I held my breath as the accreditation documents were checked...double checked...triple checked. I don't think I'll ever know how Daniel had managed to conjur up a press pass in 24 hours when the whole publication team had only just managed to scrape one through in a little over three weeks. And THAT, we were informed sternly, had been pushing it. I guess being one of the stars of the show opens doors the rest  of us mere mortals don't even know exist. 

"OK just sign here please...and here. Thank you, here's your pass, please keep it displayed if you don't want to be dragged out kicking and screaming"

I began to laugh nervously, but at her dead pan expression I turned it into a coughing fit instead and hurriedly took my leave, the precious lanyard hanging around my neck like a priceless pendant. My new camera felt heavy and unfamiliar in my arms - I'd finally had to accept the fact that my trusty Nikon, now nearly eight years old, just couldn't compete in the professional world. I winced at the expence - another huge bite out of the savings. I guess no employer is going to blow their budget on pricey kit for the new girl on probation...but at the same time if you want to survive probation in the first place, you don't turn up on your first day with an obsolete student-level camera.


Not for the first time I wondered if I was out of my depth, a kid playing dress-up at an adult party (not THAT kind of adult party!)

'Nervous yet? x'

Mind reading son of a b... I wheeled round, half expecting to look straight into a pair of deep brown eyes.


'How do you do that?? x'

'Do what? :) x'

'Just when I realise how scared I am...THERE YOU ARE! x '

'Its a gift ;) You here yet? x '

'Just arrived, trying to find the courage to walk in. x '

'Stay there I'm coming to get you x'

'Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for practice? x'

'Not yet. STAY! x'

I tried to formulate a plan in my mind as I waited for Daniel.

"Remember if anyone asks you're a completely impartial observer with a job to do. Off the record, if your...friendship...with a certain Red Bull whizzkid gets you any extra privilages in terms of access...whatever, then don't be afraid to use it. Don't forget it works both ways though - if his car breaks down in front of your lens, then you're a photographer first, and a friend second. Got it? 'I didn't take any pictures because he looked sad' doesn't go down too well with the editors!"

Darren had been serious, but there was a twinkle in his eye as he said it which undermined the lecture somewhat. Despite this the message was clear - enjoy it, make the most of it, but you're not doing this for fun anymore. 

And so it begins...

"AAAAAH!" I was nearly bowled over by an Aussie cannonball."MIND THE CAMERA!!"

And there it was, that adorable, slightly goofy chuckle followed by the smile that could make the Statue of Liberty go weak at the knees. I smiled shakily back at him, as he steered me in the direction of the garages, the butterflies in my stomach suddenly giving birth to a few new ones. (Yes I know butterflies don't actually give birth).

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