Burning And Omega

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Skyler's P.O.V
All I can feel is my body trying to resist the heat. It's like my flesh is boiling. Almost as if it's on fire. And there's nothing I could do to stop it.

I hear screams off the top of my head and every time I close my eyes, all I can see is a big house burning. The Hale House.

"Hey, kid. You going to be okay here while I head to work?" Dad placed his hand on my shoulder making me jump out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, Dad. I'm not five so I think I'm good," I gave him a weak nod and looked back at the dull hospital room.

"I specifically asked you to not fall apart every time I took my eyes off you," he grumbled putting on his deputy coat and placing a small kiss on the top of my head. "Get some rest. We have a funeral to get to tomorrow."

This was the fourth time he'd done this. Walked in. Checked up on me. Kissed my head and went to work.

Now as sweet as it was it reminded me why I like my bedroom all on my lonesome.

I sighed brushing my thumb over the necklace placed on me. I had no idea why I didn't hate Tess before.

At least now I had a reason.

I can't believe that after everything she was one of the psychopaths that killed innocent people. Actually, I can't believe it. She was a bitch, and yet somehow I don't feel bad about her death.

Even after the fun, I had with her, it was all a joke. All she wanted to do was make a killer out of me. Can an Argent not be a killer? I mean it's got to be possible.

I mean Mom did it. Well almost.

But it doesn't change the fact that I'm still half-killer. And it also doesn't change the fact that now my own family may be out to get me.

That's just great.

I ran my hand down over to where the scratch marks were on my body. Scott heard about being turned by scratch.

But it's rare and only if the scars go deep enough. Then again anything can happen. Especially if it's me.

Melissa entered my room with a tray of digesting gooey things. "Eat up sweetie. You're fading away."

"I'm good," I sighed pushing the tray away from me. "I'm probably going to get something from the vending machine anyway."

Melissa nodded sitting down beside me. "You know there's a boy who's been here all weekend outside your room."

"He's probably waiting for Lydia," I placed a hand on the side of my hip and groaned sitting up.

"Actually I'm pretty sure-"

"Can we not talk about Stiles," I interrupted her. I didn't mean to sound like a rude bitch.

But anything boy-related pained my head. Forget boy anything, people related in general pained me.

And god, I sucked at talking when I'm half insane.

I watched her look slightly shocked and guilty and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I know you're trying to help, but right now I don't need to be reminded about how mad I am at Scott and Stiles. Actually how mad I am at a lot of people."

"Yeah. Okay," Melissa nodded still keeping the tray close to my side. "Get something to eat. Your father will murder me if you're still pale by the time he comes back."

I gave her a nod before she left the room. I'll eat after Stiles is not outside my room snoozing away.

Now if only Lydia appreciated the weird boy spending his weekends here for her.

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