You Again And Masterplan

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Skyler's P.O.V

Who would wanna take Stiles?! I mean he'd make an annoying hostage who wouldn't shut up, would keep talking and not shut up, and would drive you insane and not shut up!

Did I mention he doesn't shut up?!

"Sky, you with us?" I heard Scott's voice, making me stop drowning myself in my thoughts and I looked over at him.

"I'm killing whoever the hell stole him. And then I'm gonna kick his ass for letting himself get kidnapped!" I growled and Isaac shushed me.

"Yeah well can you not do it when the Sheriff I walking straight towords us."

Sheriff walked over to us holding a small notepad on his hand with a list on it.

"I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means..." Sheriff paused for a few moments and took a breath in. I cant even imagine what the hell he's going through. "The hell, I don't know what that means. Look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him-"

"We'll call you." Isaac nodded and I sighed slamming the back of my head on the locker.

Where the hell are you dumbass?

"Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him." Scott assured and I raised my eyebrows waiting for Sheriff to buy it.

"Yeah. I'll see you, okay." He walked off and Dad looked over at him before walking over towards us.

"You can find him right?" Dad asked and I shrugged my shoulders but Scott nodded his head. "Look I don't know what the hell everyone is or the full story, but if I seriously don't find you in one piece this time I'll know who to blame. It's also good to see you Isaac."

"I'll see you at home Dad!" I groaned and Dad nodded his head before walking off and Isaac gave him a small wave with a grin on his face.

"Your Dad still a fan of me?" Isaac asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself."

I watched, and waited for everyone to get their asses out of the Locker room and Coach camebup towards us. "McCall. We need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up."

"Yeah, I know, coach." Scott nodded. I call it mission impossible!

"All right. I mean, I know I yell a lot, but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kind of hate Greenberg, but, you know, that's different. It's Greenberg." Coach laughed and I raised my eyebrows. We all hate Greenburg. "I'm just saying we... I need you on the team. Get your grades back up."

"I will."

"I know. And Jenson." Coach said and I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him. "My Lacrosse offer?"

"Nope." I answered and Coach laughed before walking off.

"Is that everyone?" Scott asked and I couldn't wait any longer and so didn't Scott. He tore off Stiles's locker and I quickly rammed through it. That's the schools problem now.

"I think so...not that it matters." Isaac muttered looking down at the detached locker door. "You're gonna find him by scent?"

"Yeah, we both are." Scott handed Isaac a shoe and Isaac looked over at me.

"What about her?" Isaac pointed to me while I crossing my arms over my chest.

"I may be a supernatural freak, but I'm not a dog." I answered and Isaac looked back down at the shoe he was holding and then at the shirt Scott was holding.

"But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?"

Scott stopped talking and I looked over at where he was staring at. Rather who.

"We need to talk." Derek said and I watched as a certain someone walked up behind Derek and I felt my temper already starting to raise.

"All of us." Peter stated.

"Holy sh-"

"Someone murder him before I do!" I growled interrupting Scott and felt my eyes starting to glow.

"What the hell is this?" Scott asked and I felt his hand grab my arm restraining me to rip anyone's throat out.

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station." Derek stated and I furrowed my eyebrows looking back at Scott.

Why didn't I know that I wasn't the only who went behind everyone's backs?! Is this why Scott isn't that mad at me?

"Okay, hold on. He threatened to kill my mom. And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?!"

And Peter grinned nodding his head. "I'm gonna go with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous."

"Shut up!" Derek and Scott yelled in unison and I looked back over at Isaac who seemed interested and confused.

"Who is he?"

"That's Peter, Derek's Uncle. Little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat." Scott explained and I raised my free hand up since the other one was still in Scott's grip.

"Not to mention his scratch turned me and ruined my life by turning me into a supernatural weirdo. Thank you by the way." I'm not sure if he could tell there was sarcasm present in my voice.

I should probably rip out his heart from his chest to show how much I really thank him.

"Hi." Peter waved and Isaac nodded his head.

"That's good to know."

"All in all I'm still wondering why we aren't murdering him, after all, he left me out to bleed on a Lacrosse feild, and ruined my life."

I glared at Peter and he smiled looking proud of himself. I swear to god if we don't find Stiles and Peter is still breathing I will end up burning something down.

"Well I wouldn't let a girl as beautiful as you die on that feild, and I wouldn't let you live without having a perk or two."

"Remind me why we aren't killing him?"

"How is he alive?" Scott asked ignoring my question.

"Look, the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson." Derek replied. "And maybe how to save him."

"Well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead." Isaac stated and I kept my eye on Peter.


"Yeah, Jackson's dead. It just happened on the field."

"Yes, yes, very sad. May he rest in peace. Can we murder him?!" I asked pointing to Peter and Isaac grabbed my other arm.

I'm guessing it was for safety precautions.
Because by now I would've burned the school down.

"Okay, why is no one taking this as good news?" Isaac asked looking at Peter and Derek. Hes right, I don't remember the Hale's exactly being close to a dick like Jackson to be this distraught.

"Because if Jackson is dead, it didn't just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen." Peter sighed and I furrowed myse eyebrows looking at him.

"But why?"

"Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out." Peter nodded stepping forward and I watched as my claws started growing. "And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly"

"Okay, now that we got our information...can we leave him to die now? Please?!"

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