Total Idiots And Masterplan

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Skyler's P.O.V

I was in the jeep with Stiles and Lydia on our way to the warehouse to save Scott's ass. Not surprised.

Scared, but not surprised.

"So at the end of the day Peter's a dick who turned Scott, Derek killed him making him an Alpha. Currently we both don't know what the hell we are which is great, and your boyfriend is a sociopathic killer who we're hoping you can save." I explained and I looked back at Lydia who widened her eyes taking this all in.

"So werewolves exist?" She asked for about the fifth time and both Stiles and I groaned.

Try being stuck in a car with Lydia Martin and not ripping her head off.

It takes skill!

"Yes Lydia werewolves exist. We done here?!" I asked and she shook her head.

"So after everything you two have been through you guys still didn't hook up?"

I groaned and Stiles laughed looking over at me. I think he was just proud of himself that he finally got to prove a point. Dick.

"No, Sky was too stubborn to admit it and refuses to listen to anyone." Stiles answered.

"Shocker." Lydia muttered and I looked back at her and gave her an 'are you being serious' look.

"Woah, where exactly is the door to this warehouse? You know someplace that doesn't include me hurting my jeep?" Stiles asked as he kept on driving towards it.

"There isn't." Lydia and I answered in unison and he widened his eyes looking over at me. And I grinned looking forward. He's going to kill me.

"I'm not crashing my jeep!" Stiles yelled and I sighed looking over at him.

He wasn't gonna win. Never does, never will.

"What if I told you Scott's about to die?!" I suggested and Stiles shook his head still moving towards the warehouse wall. "Stiles just crash the god-damn jeep!"

"But my-"

"Stiles!" Lydia and I both yelled and I heard him groan giving in. He pressed on the gas pedal even harder and I squeeze my eyes shut.

If we die it's on him!

Even though I was the one who technically forced him to do it. But its still on him.

I heard a loud crash and then heard the brakes screech. I half opened my eyes still squinting them slightly and looked through the windshield.

"Did I get him?!" As soon as Stiles said that the Kanima jumped onto the hood of the jeep causing
Stiles to scream like a five year old girl and I yelled running out of the jeep.

I saw Derek on the floor and Allison stood next to Argent and Scott, while Isaac was stood up with wounds all over him.

So how hard did Allison actually beat them?

I ran towards Scott with Stiles rushing behind me and then saw Lydia who was stood by Jackson. Is she that stupid?!

"Lydia!" I yelled trying to run towards her but I felt two hands grab my arms stopping me. So everyone's totally okay with he fact that Lydia's stood infront of a killer?! "Let go of me she's gonna get hurt!"

"Wait." Scott insisted and I looked over at Lydia who held up a key infront of Jackson. He slowly took the key and started to detransform with him practically naked with scales covering half of his face and body.

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