Ignorance And Battlefeild

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Skyler's P.O.V

The past few days have been a complete blur. I thought summer was gonna be great. No school, no worries. Actually it's no school but alot of worries.

I cant belive I'm saying this but I actually miss school keeping us busy. That was when I wouldn't have to think of everything I've done wrong or everything wrong that's about to happen.

Let's start off with Matt completely drowning in two inches of water. Gerard drowned him, obviously, but somethings still wrong and I still haven't found out what it is yet.

Dad and the Sheriff got their jobs back. And he's been taking extra shifts. Mostly it's because I don't think he wants to see me. Not after what he saw me as.

Every time I at least try to communicate with Stiles...well let's just say I'm not the one giving the cold-hearted glare anymore.

But the only distraction I have is training with Allison. And she's been a total bust since she doesn't have the courage to open up about her Mom dying.

But hey at least I'm not the only one with parent issues.

I see the tension between Stiles and his Dad lately and I don't think Melissa's been in the mood to communicate with Scott.

I could barely think about eating or drinking with all this stress on my mind so I currently looked like crap. Also sleep hasn't been an option, and everytime someone even tries to talk to me my nerves are so racked that I jump out of nowhere.

Wanna know why? Because Matt the stalker camera dude had pictures of both me and Allison on his computer. But not only that, he edited me and him in some of these pictures and created some whole fake relationship on us. And the best part was that the Sheriff and my Dad were the ones who found the pictures.

So right now believe it or not the only sane person I have to talk to is Lydia Martin and our school guidance counsellor. Never thought I'd even think that.

I was currently waiting outside of Morell's office, nervously biting my nails. Whoever had their session going on right now was taking their god-damn time. I had alot of things to get off my chest and I was gonna be a real bitch about it.

God I barely have any more nails to chew at this point, and fiddling with my fingers isnt really helping with time!

I saw the door open and gave a sigh of relief grabbing my bag starting get up but then I stopped because I saw who just walked out of that office.

Because I wasn't stressed enough. The universe hates me. I honestly think it hates me.

"Hey..." Was the only word that came out of my mouth.

Hey?! Where the hell did your game go Skyler?! And when did I have game?

Stiles just walked straight past me while playing with his Lacrosse stick and I groaned not even bothering for Morell's permission to get inside her office.

Oh and did I mention. To top it all off it's the Championship games are tonight and two players aren't playing. Because Matt the freak, ended being killed by someone I'm related to, and my friend who I've known since I was ten is missing and isn't answering my goddman calls.

Its gonna be a long session.


"Lydia, just because you have this whole, 'I dont give a crap about Jackson' mood on doesn't mean you don't give a crap about Jackson!" I argued and she rolled her eyes while filing her nails.

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