Chapter 16

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I don’t mind at all. She shivered, the moisture on her body drying up instantly due to the heat generated by his promise with those five simple words.

There was nothing simple about the way he sauntered to her. The casual look in his eyes masked the purpose in his strides. Every part in her body stood to attention eager for his caress, and it came as a shock when he just walked past her to the chair beside the bed.

Her eyes widened when he sunk into its soft cushions, placed his long legs onto the bed, stretching the trousers over his thighs. Ofcourse she would notice that and the way his shirt hug the muscles underneath that her fingers and her lips knew so well. She licked her dry lips when he reached out for a magazine and lazily flipped through the pages.

Frustration was not what she felt. She was close to stomping over to her husband and demanding…demanding what exactly. She silently huffed instead and whirled away from him.

“I want to tell you something,” he said.

“Tell me,” she grunted from behind the almirah door.

What was she looking for? Ah underwear. Hmm. Underwear. She wore a devilish smile as she pulled out a red set of lingerie that she hadn’t touched for a long while. Red wasn’t her color but obviously her husband thought otherwise since he had bought it for her.

Casually, she threw the set onto the bed, and she heard a book snap shut. Rolling her lips inwards to stop her grin, she picked up the bra and ripped the price tag off with her teeth. The price was scratched off. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway because she knew how priceless it was. When she did the same with her panty, she heard a low growl and she couldn’t stop grinning. Thankfully she was still holding the piece close to her face.

“So, I was saying…” he cleared his throat when the words came out rough and continued. “Did you know the house next door has new tenants?”

Oh now we are chatty are we? Ofcourse we are. After all, discussion on neighbors was quite harmless.

“Yes, but I haven’t met them yet,” she grumbled, loosening the towel around her hair and throwing it on a stool.

“The boy Ria was talking about…Vansh. I had to…”

Naina dropped the towel.


She slid into her underwear as slowly as she could, relishing the effect she was having on him. She could tell from the way his breath hitched. But, she kept her eyes on her task putting on an air of indifference. It was killing her because she was a terrible actor. She usually didn’t use underhand methods to get what she wanted.

“To?” she asked, reaching behind her to hook the bra.

“uh…to our hook…home,” he faltered making her bite into her lower lip. She heard him curse, the chair scrape across the mosaic floor, and then silence.

She raised her eyes to see him stand near the window with his back to her, his hands stuffed into his pockets. Her hands itched to run along those rigid shoulders, her fingers massaging his broad back to release the tension.

“Why?” she asked reaching for her top mainly to get him to turn around.

She wasn’t putting on a show for herself. The whole thing would be moot if he stood staring at the curtains. Did he even realize he was?

Seduction was time consuming. She could have dressed herself ten times over during this ridiculous amount of time it took to get a man to notice her, react to be exact. Varun was reacting alright, but not enough.

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