Chapter 32

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Varun wished he could be anywhere but here in his living room witnessing the tearful reunion of his ex-girlfriend and his mother. It was embarrassing to see his mother gush and trip over words in her joy of meeting her 'favorite girl in the world'. Leaning against the doorjamb of the kitchen, where Naina was currently setting up the picnic basket with Ria and Vansh, he felt nauseated. His mother had insisted Yashvi come along for the picnic. He was furious that he had to give in when even Naina extended an invitation.

His wife was an enigma. He could see the hurt in her eyes but couldn't for the life of him, understand why she had to pretend as if it was okay. He had tried to reach out, get her alone to talk to her, but she had brushed him aside to prepare for the picnic. Suddenly, he didn't want to go anymore. He had been looking forward to spending a fun day with just his family. It looked impossible now.

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he messaged Shiv. He needed a reprieve and his friend was it, even though he loathed having to call him for a favor.

Get your ass out here. Now! – V

He was about to pocket the phone when it buzzed with an incoming message.

Where is here? – S

Varun's fingers hovered over the keypad. Taking a deep breath, he typed.

Home – V

He clutched the phone tight and stared at the screen. After eight years, he had just broken his vow to never let his friend enter his home. He didn't trust him around his Naina; he wondered if he ever would. Shiv had been more than his best buddy and while he missed the bond he would never have with anyone, he couldn't just forget the past. He couldn't forgive that his best friend had almost stolen Naina from him.

After what seemed like ages, he received a reply.

What's wrong? – S

Varun chuckled humorlessly.

Yashvi is here. With ma. – V

Be there in ten - S

And that was the bond he missed. He didn't have to say much to Shiv. His friend had an uncanny ability to read his mind, assess the situation, and do what was required. Then how had Shiv not read the fact that Naina had been important to him, that he had needed his wife too much to let her go.

Pocketing his phone, he entered the kitchen.

Vansh whispered something into Naina's ears that made his wife laugh heartily. She then pulled Vansh into her arms and kissed his cheek. The boy blushed and slowly extricated himself from the hug. He shyly pointed to the large picnic basket on the floor.

"I'll keep it in the car?" he asked and Ria jumped excitedly.

"Mamma, I'll help Vansh. It is heavy, Vansh. We can carry it together. You hold this...I'll..." Ria's chatter faded as the kids left the kitchen and Naina's eyes met his.

He wanted to scream when she quickly averted hers.

"That's it! I'm going to ask them to leave." He whirled around when Naina's voice stopped him.

"Raj...don't be silly. You can't do that."

"Why not? This is my home. Our home. We decide who's welcome and who isn't. Yashvi and her son aren't welcome. Period."

Naina folded her arms across her chest and glared at her fuming husband.

"You're acting like a child."

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