Chapter 29

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Naina wasn’t ready to meet her yet. What does one say to hubby’s ex-lover?

Hey, you look stunning even at 10 at night, while I look like a drab?

She caught a reflection of herself in the glass door of a cabinet and winced. Did Varun really find her sexy in that skirt? Her hands slowly tugged at the hem while Yashvi was engrossed in surveying her living room. She wished she had changed into something normal for the night – even her secret teddy bear pyjamas would have looked much better than what she had on right then. Damn this Varun for playing her mind.

Her initial reaction after learning the identity of Yashvi was to peel off her dress and wear something hideous just to spite him, but then her calmer side won out, the side that was crazy in love with her husband won.

Giving up on presenting herself as something she wasn’t, she slid onto the settee. Varun was hers. Period. She took a deep breath and observed the tall woman who would easily reach up to Varun’s height. She stopped her thoughts from running away into dangerous territory.

“You have a lovely home,” said Yashvi, smiling at her.

Naina sensed a genuineness about her that was compelling.

“Thank you.” She smiled back.

Yashvi hesitated a bit before she settled next to Naina on the far end of the settee.

“I’m sorry for dropping in this late,” she started but Naina waved her off.

“It’s alright. I sleep late anyways,” said Naina, wondering where this was leading. She could sense the nervousness in the woman. Was it about earlier? Did she realize Naina knew about who she was?

Yashvi cleared her throat and Naina instantly straightened in her seat.

“I…thank you for…everything you did today. And all these days…with Vansh. He can’t stop talking about you all, especially Ria.”

Naina smiled broadly at the mention of Vansh. “He is a darling. He is always welcome here.”

“I know,” said Yashvi, her eyes brimming with gratitude. She took a deep breath, looking around the room till her eyes rested on a photo of Varun and Ria on the mantel.

Naina’s breath caught, and she shifted on the seat trying to dislodge the thing that obstructed her breathing.

“I couldn’t sleep,” whispered Yashvi. “I can’t…not another night without telling you who I am. You’ve been nothing but wonderful to me and Vansh and I couldn’t…”

Naina curled her fingers into the soft fabric of the settee. She resisted the urge to grab a cushion and hug it tight, feeling an intense longing for her husband’s arms around her.


“I know,” blurted Naina. She didn’t want to hear it from Yashvi not after the way she said his name.

Varun. Like the way she said Raj.

Yashvi sat staring at Naina for a long while, both of them immobile, their eyes pinned on each other.

“Did Varun…”

“No.” Naina shook her head. “No, he hasn’t ever mentioned you.”

Was she talking fast? Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth. Dragging it out, she wet her lips. Her throat felt parched too. She sprang up from the settee and walked to the dining table, resisting the urge to run…away, far from the past, her husband’s past. Chugging an entire glass of cold water down her throat, she realized she hadn’t offered anything to her guest.

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