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To say the girls loved their matching PJ's and the idea of movie night was an understatement, they loved it even more when they saw that I was wearing the same....It was the cutest thing ever.

We had already watched Frozen and now they wanted to watch The Little Mermaid, god this used to be my favourite as a kid! So now i was snuggled on the sofa under a chunky blanket with Brooke and Allie singing along with the movie, Rosie had been fast asleep in the arm chair since halfway through Frozen.
"Knock knock!" Came the now familiar sound of Steve's voice, it made me jump at first but once i realised it was him i turned and smiled.
"Hey Steve, what you doing here?"
"Well i came to see James but I'm guessing he's working late?"
"Yeah, he asked me to stay with the girls tonight. He doesn't know what time he'll be back"
"Right.... and hey! Am i getting no hugs from my girls?"
"We're comfy uncle Steve" Brooke moaned as she cuddled up to me more under the blanket.
"We watching The Little Mermaid!" Allie said not taking her eyes off the TV.
"What? The Little Mermaid?? Thats my favourite! Can i stay and watch too?"
"Yeah! You can sit next to me" Brooke lifted the edge of the blanket for him and he quickly settled in next to her.
"Are you guys wearing matching PJs?? Thats so cool!! I want some!" Steve laughed looking over at me.
"I dont think they do them in your size Steve" i laughed shaking my head at this huge man wanting to wear pink unicorn pj's!
"Well thats not fair!"
"Shhhh watch the movie uncle Steve!" Allie suddenly said leaning forward to look at him.
"Sorry sweetheart I'm gonna shut up now" he sniggered settling in to watch the movie.

After the movie finished, to which Steve sang along with us! The girls wanted to make a fort!
"Girls you should be going to bed its getting late"
"Please Y/N" they both said jumping up and down infront of me.
"Come on Y/N" Steve added leaning against the door frame "how can you say no to that?"
"Fine! But uncle Steve can help because I'm terrible at making forts"
"Well its a good job I'm great at making forts!"
"Fine, you make the fort and i'll make the hot chocolate"
"Deal" he beamed before leaving the room in search for what he needed.

When i came back in Steve had thrown some blankets over the back of the sofa and a couple of dining room chairs, cushions scattered on the floor.
"Tada!" He held his arms out looking pleased with his work.'

"Cute, gotta be honest uncle Steve i was expecting a little more from you" i teased placing the hot chocolate down on the table

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"Cute, gotta be honest uncle Steve i was expecting a little more from you" i teased placing the hot chocolate down on the table.
"Ouch you hurt me!"
"Sorry" i laughed at him trying to look like he was hurt by my comment.
"Come on!!" Allie said excitedly grabbing my hand and pulling me with her into the fort.
"Okay okay I'm coming"
"You come too Uncle Stevie!"
Steve cleared his throat and made his way over as well, i could have sworn i saw a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Well this is pretty great Steve i have to admit" i turned to him and smiled.
"Thank you, i worked with what i had"
"You know they wont wanna take this down right? Im sure James wont be too happy with a fort in his living room full time"
"He'll love it dont worry, as long as his girls are happy he wont mind"
"Im blaming you if he gets mad" i nudged him playfully.
"Oh i see how it is, throw me to the wolves huh?"
"He's your best friend, I'm sure you can get away with it"
"Y/N?" Allie asked suddenly looking up at me with big blue eyes that were exactly like her dads.
"Yes sweetheart?"
"Do you live with us now?"
"No, i just look after you while your daddy works"
"Oh. So where do you live?"
"I live in a farm house not far from here"
"A farm?? Are there animals there??"
"Erm, well i dont have any but the field at the back of my house has some horses"
"Wow! Can i see them?"
"I'll have to check with your dad first"
"If he says yes, we can see them though?" Brooke asked looking excited.
"Sure, but only if your dad says its okay"
"Like he could say no to you" Steve teased earning himself another nudge to his side.
"As if that hurt you big baby" i chuckled before crawling out of the fort to get the hot chocolate. As i turned to hand out the mugs i saw James standing in the doorway looking amused.
"Hi" he smiled as he dropped his briefcase and jacket on the chair.
"Hi.... sorry about the mess the girls wanted to build a fort"
"Its fine, you did good"
"Actually i didnt" i nodded towards the opening and James looked in laughing when he saw Steve inside with the girls.
"I thought no boys were allowed?"
"Im not sure Steve counts..... he wanted matching unicorn pjs too"
"Y/N that was supposed to be a secret! Im gonna loose all my street cred now"
"Like you had any to start with punk" James replied grinning at his friend.
"Would you like some hot chocolate James?"
"Id love some"
"Here you have this one and i'll go make another batch real quick" i handed him the mug that was meant to be mine.
"Are you sure...."
"Yeah its no problem, you should check out the fort too" i laughed before heading to kitchen.

""Yeah its no problem, you should check out the fort too" i laughed before heading to kitchen

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Not long after the hot chocolate the girls were fast asleep. James carried Allie up to bed while Steve took Brooke leaving me with Rosie. I was the first one back downstairs and thought id start cleaning up the living room before heading to bed.
"Hey leave that, i'll sort it out in the morning" James said from behind.
"Its fine i dont mind"
"Just leave it, have a beer with us" he held out a bottle to me as he and Steve came in "you deserve it".
"Okay, thanks" i accepted the beer and went to sit on the sofa under the blanket again.
"So you and the girls have a good night?" James asked sitting on the opposite end of the sofa, Steve had already taken the arm chair.
"It was great Buck, you really missed out" Steve answered before i could making us laugh.
"Why are you even here?"
"I was bored so i thought id come see my oldest friend, but you were working so i stayed for movie night"
"Couldn't turn down The Little Mermaid could ya Steve" i chuckled taking a swig of beer.
"The Little Mermaid? Again Steve really?"
"Hey Ariel's hot!"
"Rightttt" James rolled his eyes at Steve before looking over at me shaking his head "how about you Y/N? You have a good night looking after four kids?"
"They were good as gold"
"The matching PJ's are cute, bet the girls loved that"
"Yeah they were a little excited, i just thought it'd be nice"
"It was" he nodded and smiling "thank you, for everything"
I shrugged feeling myself blush a little at his praise "its not a problem"
"What am i missing?" Steve asked suddenly looking between James and me.
"Y/N had a run in with Ms Harper at the school about what Allie was wearing"
"Urghh that woman is the devil I'm telling you! You're lucky you turned her down man"
"Wait....." i sat up turning to look at James better "Ms Harper asked you out?"
"God Steve! Why did you have to bring that up?" He moaned "yeah she asked a few times and i said no"
"Well that kinda makes a bit more sense" i muttered.
"What do you mean?"
"Ms Harper is being a jealous bitch and taking it out on Allie"  both of them just looked at me with confusion clear on their faces "She kept calling me Mrs Barnes...."
"Oh!" James said wide eyed getting what i meant.
"Haha! thats brilliant Buck! Ms Harper is being a complete bitch because she thinks you run off and got married and she's lost her shot at you!" Steve roared with laughter.

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