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32 weeks Pregnant
"Im so over being pregnant now Wanda you have no idea!" I moaned as we sat in the newly decorated nursery folding the baby clothes id washed through. The extension was finished and Bucky, Steve and Sam had done a great job of doing the twins nursery.

Wanda had been amazing helping me with the girls, i was always so tired nowadays

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Wanda had been amazing helping me with the girls, i was always so tired nowadays.
"I bet, it looks uncomfortable now. Im glad I'm only having the one!" She laughed holding a hand against her own tiny bump, she and Sam had found out she was pregnant 4 months ago.
"I told Bucky id be the size of a house with these boys! You've seen the size of him so its no surprise is it!" I laughed shaking my head as i rubbed the side of my stomach.
"You okay?" Wanda asked looking concerned.
"Yeah think I've got a foot digging in somewhere.... they're running out of room in here now"
"Not long now hun"
"Im counting down the weeks, this whole pregnancy has flown by up until now! Now its taking forever"
"You getting nervous?"
"A little bit, but mostly i just want them here already"
"When is Bucky due back from his trip?"
"Later tonight, it was meant to be tomorrow but he won the case, it all got settled a lot earlier than he thought it would, he's driving back tonight"
"Do you want me stay over until he gets home?"
"Its fine Wand he's already arranged for Steve to stay when he gets back with the girls and stay until he's home"
"Thats okay then, i just didn't want you being on your own"
"Im never on my own lately" i shook my head and laughed.
"They're very protective" she agreed, they had been terrible lately! One of them was always with me incase anything happened. The only reason they weren't here now was because Wanda was here!
"I know they mean well but they are driving me crazy! Every time i go to get up their there! I cant even go to the bathroom without questions"
"That would drive me crazy too! I'll kick Sam's ass if he does that!".

We spent another 30 minutes or so sorting the clothes and other bits before heading downstairs for some tea. Not long after that Steve got back with the girls, he had taken them to the zoo for the day and they all looked exhausted... Steve included!
"Hey you guys, have you had a nice day?" I asked as Allie and Brooke came straight over and cuddled up to me.
"Yeah it was soooo good" Allie smiled up at me before stroking my huge bump.
"Hi baby brothers! I missed you"
"I just felt a kick" Brooke laughed holding a hand to the side of my tummy where i had been feeling it before.
"Looks like they missed their big sisters huh?" I smiled at them both.
"Im gonna head home now Steve's back to keep you company. Call me if you need anything" Wanda said hugging me goodbye before saying goodbye to Steve and the girls and heading off.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep once Wanda had left. Steve ordered some pizza's for the girls dinner because he didn't want to wake me up, when i finally did wake up the pains in my side were back with a vengeance!
"You okay sweetheart?" Steve asked looking worried.
"Yeah just getting uncomfortable.... would you be okay keeping an eye on the girls while i go take a bath, see if it eases off a bit. They might move a bit so its not so bad"
"Yeah sure"
"thanks Steve" i gave him a smile and went up to the bathroom.

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