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"Well i have to admit i did not see my night ending like this" i giggled looking up at Bucky (yes! I actually giggled!!) "not that I'm complaining... at all!" I added as we lay side by side on the sofa, Bucky's arms wrapped around me, legs entwined, a pile of discarded clothes on the floor and i couldn't be happier.
"Me either doll, but I'm so glad this is how our night ended" he smiled placing a kiss on the end of my nose.
"No regrets?" I asked nervously as my hand stroked over his chest.
"None whats so ever. Do you?...Regret it?"
"Not at all Buck" i leant in and pressed a kiss to his lips.
"God i wish we could stay like this all night" Bucky said trailing his hand up and down my back.
"But you should get back to the girls, let Steve go home" i chuckled.
"Yeah" he nodded before pulling me tight against him and kissing me "i really don't wanna leave you naked and alone"
"I don't want you to go either but i know you need to" after one more kiss i reluctantly sat up and grabbed my hoodie from the floor and pulled it on, it was a bit cold now i wasnt surrounded by Bucky's body heat.
"Do you want a coffee before you go?... tea?" I offered getting up from the sofa.
"Id love a coffee please doll" he smiled reaching for his clothes.
"Its so nice here, your place actually feels like a home" i heard him say a few minutes later from the living room while i finished making his coffee and my tea.
"Thanks, its actually feeling like home now I've changed things to how i like"
"I feel more at home here than at my own house how messed up is that?"
"You're always welcome here Buck, you and the girls" i smiled at him as i walked back in with the drinks. Bucky was dressed again in jeans and t-shirt, lacing up his boots when i came back in.
"You'll regret saying that when you cant get rid of us" he chuckled.
"Try me" i shrugged sitting back down on the sofa next to him, he dived at me laying me down covering my body with his as he buried his face in my neck pressing kisses to that spot that drove me wild.
"Come home with me.... we can continue this at my place" he mumbled.
"Its late Buck"
"Come on doll, please?"
"How about you and the girls come for a sleep over tomorrow?"
"Really?" He asked leaning back just enough that he could see my face.
"Sure, they can have the spare rooms and you....."
"Can share with you" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"I was gonna say you can have the sofa but okay..." i squealed when he attacked my sides tickling me as he laughed.
"Oh you think you're funny huh?"
"Hilarious..... okay, okay i give up I'm sorry Buck! Please stop" i laughed trying to grab his hands to stop the attack.
"So i can share with you?"
"Of course".

After Bucky had finished his coffee he headed home to his girls. I set the alarm and headed straight to bed feeling like i was on cloud nine after what had happened with Bucky.... I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

When i woke up the next morning i had a message from Bucky, he couldn't have had much sleep because he was texting me at 5:30am and he didn't leave mine til nearing 2am!

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When i woke up the next morning i had a message from Bucky, he couldn't have had much sleep because he was texting me at 5:30am and he didn't leave mine til nearing 2am!

Bucky: Morning beautiful, hope you slept well. Rosie had me up at 5am! i need sleep!! Xx

Y/N: Morning Buck, i slept great thanks for asking ;) you have no one to blame but yourself for your lack of sleep lol xx

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