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It felt strange being back at the farm house after spending so much time at Bucky's but i felt safe here. It helped that i knew Jack was being dealt with by the police, Sam had said he was in the hospital with a police officer posted outside while they dealt with his injuries .... Bucky had really done a number on him.

The first thing i did when i got home was go up and run a bath, Bucky followed me up and accepted my invitation to join me. I was currently laid back against his chest as he held me close, my head resting on his shoulder as i closed my eyes.
"How you feeling?" He asked quietly as his fingers stroked across my stomach.
"Okay i guess" i answered with a shrug of my shoulder "could've been worse"
"You in any pain?"
"A little, my throat hurts the worst"
"You're the strongest woman i know you know that?"
"Im not" i scoffed "I'm just used to it..... Jacks hurt me plenty of times before Buck.....he never tried to strangle me before though"
"When i saw him..... i just saw red. If you and Sam hadn't stopped me he'd be dead"
"I know.... and i didn't want you to have to live with that. You need to be here for the girls. They need you.... I need you. Id never forgive myself if you ended up in jail for killing that son of a bitch"
"I'm not going anywhere i promise" he placed a kiss on my shoulder and tightened his hold on me.
"Everything seems better when I'm with you" i told him truthfully "don't leave me okay?" I turned to look at him.
"Never" he shook his head in all seriousness "I'm right here".
"I love you Buck" i closed the gap between us as i kissed him.
"I love you too baby" he replied breathlessly before smashing his mouth back to mine, mid kiss i somehow managed to turn around and straddle his lap causing water to slosh out of the tub.
"Oops" i smiled at him before we both started laughing, Bucky grabbed one of the towels from the side throwing it over the wet patch.
"Don't want you slipping when you get out doll"
"You're always looking after me" i smirked at him as i run my hands through his wet hair.
"Of course i am, gotta take care of my girl right?" he shrugged before pulling me in for another kiss. Reaching my hand into the water i took hold of his hard cock making him gasp at my touch. I lined him up with my entrance and slowly sunk down on him causing us both to moan in ecstasy. It was slow and passionate and just what we both needed, just to be close to each other and forget about the awful events that had taken place that day.

 It was slow and passionate and just what we both needed, just to be close to each other and forget about the awful events that had taken place that day

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Waking up the next morning i was more achy, feeling my injuries more than i did last night. I walked into the bathroom and got a look at my bruised eye and split lip, bruises around my throat and a huge bruise on my ribs had appeared.... maybe where i fell into the table??
"Wonderful" i groaned shaking my head as i gently pressed the area around my eye and hissed.
"Ouch, that looks like it hurts doll" Bucky walked in and stood behind me gently wrapping his arms around me.
"Yeah a little, hurts worse today. I just wanna sleep" i leaned back against him closing my eyes.
"Is this a bad time to tell you Steve's on his way over with the girls then?"
"No" i chuckled "I've missed those girls like crazy"
"Yeah me too. But i did enjoy having you to myself for the night"
"That was nice" i hummed in agreement "i better get dressed and try and cover up some of this bruising. I don't wanna scare the girls"
"Okay baby, i'll wait down stairs. You just come down when you're ready".

Half hour later i went downstairs and was engulfed by Steve's arms as soon as he saw me.
"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?" he asked pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
"Crappy but i'll be okay. Buck's been taking good care of me".
"Y/N!!" I heard the excited voices of Brooke and Allie as they came running out the kitchen with Bucky behind them, he had Rosie in his arms who was trying to get down and come over to me with her sisters. I bent down and caught them in my arms giving them a squeeze.
"Oh my girls I've missed you" i said smiling, Rosie pushed her way in and latched her arms around my neck making me hiss a little but i welcomed the love these girls showed me so openly.
We moved to the sofa and cuddled up in one big heap, it didn't take long until Bucky and Steve joined us.
"You okay doll? You need me to take any of them?" Bucky offered looking at the girls, Rosie was laying on my chest and Brooke and Allie were each cuddled up to my side.
"No this is perfect" i smiled up at him as i stroked a hand over Rosies head.
"Okay you let me know if you need to rest or start to hurt too bad".

After spending a good amount of time snuggled up together i slipped out from under the sleeping girls and headed into the kitchen to start dinner. I switched on the radio for some background noise and began pulling out some pans to start the spaghetti and meatballs, it was easy and everyone liked that. When i looked up Brooke was standing in the doorway watching me, clearly she had something on her mind.
"Hey babe, you ok?" I asked her with a smile as i filled a large pan with water for the spaghetti.
"Did you get hurt?" She asked quietly.
I should have expected these kind of questions from Brooke, she was older and noticed things more than Allie or Rosie would but it still surprised me.
"Come sit here with me for a minute babe" i smiled at her holding my hand out to her, Brooke walked over and took my hand and i lifted her up onto the kitchen counter so i could see her face to face.
"I did get hurt" i admitted nodding my head "but I'm fine i promise"
"What happened?"
"I fell over"
"Yep" i laughed shrugging my shoulders, i didn't want her finding out about Jack attacking me. I didn't want anything to scare her.
"Are we going to be staying here now?.... i hope so. I like this house better than ours"
"Maybe, i need to talk to your dad about it still"
"Okay" she smiled seeming happy with my answers, i went to help her down from the counter but she leant forward wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Im glad you're okay" she said kissing my cheek "love you Y/N"
"Love you too sweetheart" i smiled at her before she went back into the living room.

"Im glad you're okay" she said kissing my cheek "love you Y/N""Love you too sweetheart" i smiled at her before she went back into the living room

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The following day i ventured into town with Wanda and the girls, i couldn't just sit around the house feeling sorry for myself. If i did, it was like Jack had won and id be damned if i let him win.... plus i needed to get a replacement cell phone after mine got broken in my struggle with Jack. After picking up my new phone we headed to the soft play area for the girls to go run off some of that excess energy before heading home.
"Thanks for hanging out with us today Wanda" i smiled at her as i started up the new phone and started logging into various accounts "i needed to get out of the house and do normal stuff"
"Anytime hun, i couldn't believe it when Sam told me what happened. I wanted to come over sooner to see you but he told me to leave you be for a while incase you wasn't up for visitors. I was so happy when you invited me out with you guys today".
"Its nice to have a friend to hang out with" i smiled at her as my phone started vibrating with various messages and a voicemail.
"Let me just see who this is from" i said to Wanda dialling my voicemail, i looked over towards the girls making sure they were all okay while i waited for the pre recorded spiel to end and the message to kick in.
"Hello Ms Y/N this is Dr Forester, i was just calling for a follow up to your tests you had done recently. If you could call me back that would be great. Thank you"
"Huh thats strange" i muttered looking at the phone in confusion.
"Whats wrong?"
"That was the Dr who looked after me in the hospital. She wants me to call her regarding a follow up to the tests they run"
"Huh that is strange. Go call her back, i can watch the girls"
"You sure?"
"Yeah we're good".

I walked outside and sat on the bench out the front as i dialled Dr Forester. My leg was shaking nervously as it rang, i was just about to give up when the call
"Dr Forester" a cheerful voice sang down the line.
"Oh, hi Dr Forester its Y/N Y/L/N, i had a message to call you?"
"Oh yes! Y/N! I was just calling to inform you some of your test results got back late and something interesting showed up...."
"Oh, okay...?" I replied waiting for her to continue.
"Y/N....It would appear you're pregnant".

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