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"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I asked him shaking my head.
"What do you mean what am i doing here?.... I'm here to see my wife of course" he replied smugly with a shrug of his shoulder.
"Thats funny! Last time i checked you no longer have a wife!"
"You'll always be mine Y/N"
"Thats where you're wrong Jack, i haven't been yours for a very long time" i said through gritted teeth "why can't you just leave me alone??! You didn't want me when we were married but now we're divorced you decide you want me back?...Is that it?"
"I always wanted you baby...."
"Really??.... that why you were sleeping with my best friend?"
"I made a mistake...."
"So did i....the day i married you!"
He stepped closer trying to intimidate me, i'd hit a nerve with that comment.
"You dont mean that....."
"Dont i?? why else would i divorce you and move this far away from you.... i left everything to get away from you Jack"
"We can sort this out, it can be good again"
"Not interested, now please leave"
"Im not leaving until you agree to try again....."
"You're such a fucking child! How did you even find me anyway? You didn't know about this place and i didn't tell anyone where i was going"
"I'll aways find you Y/N you're mine"
"For the love of god....." i rolled my eyes and went to take a step back from him. His hand reached out grabbing my arm and pulling me close before i got far, i started to struggle and try to push him away but he wasn't moving, i felt myself start to panic.... i had done so well not showing Jack how scared i was that he was here but seeing that look in his eyes and the way he grabbed me.... my facade was falling fast.
"Hey!" a voice yelled from behind and i looked around Jack to see Bucky and Steve climbing out of a black van and marching towards us, death glares on their faces.
"Get your damn hands off her!" Bucky growled grabbing the back of Jacks coat and pulling him away with such force Jack fell on the floor. Bucky and Steve stood protectively in front of me glaring down at the man.
"Who the fuck are you?" Steve asked Jack who was already getting to his feet and straightening out his jacket.
"Im her husband asshole!"
"Ex husband!" I corrected him "and I've told him to leave!"
"You heard the lady, you're not welcome here" Steve said as Bucky turned to me and looked me over for any signs Jack had hurt me. He placed a hand against my cheek and smiled a tight lipped smile "you okay doll?"
"Im fine Buck" i nodded "little shaken.... thank you for coming" i added quietly so only he would hear and rested my forehead against his chest as i tried to calm down now Bucky and Steve were here.
"The girls...."
"They're fine, i made sure they stayed away and didn't hear anything"
"Oh i see how it is, this your new guy? Think he's better than me?? Im not good enough for you now huh??" Jack started ranting looking at me and Bucky.
"My guess is you were never good enough for her, you were lucky she even gave you the time of day pal" Steve smirked.
"Oh you fucking him too?? Wow Y/N you really have changed....." he was cut off when Bucky's hand flew out and grabbed him around the throat.
"Why dont you shut your fucking mouth! Im gonna tell you this once so you better fucking listen or so help me god i will bury you!!..... stay the fuck away from my family!!" Bucky growled lowly so the girls wouldn't hear, he had angled his body so they wouldn't be able to see what he was doing "i find out you've been back here or anywhere near Y/N.... you'll regret it" Bucky shoved Jack away from him and came to stand beside me.
"I just want whats mine!! She's my wife!!" Jack said loudly still not giving up.
"Not anymore she's not" Bucky said with a smirk as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer "Steve get this punk outta here would ya?"
"Would be my pleasure Buck" Steve grinned grabbing Jack and dragging him back to where his car was parked.
"You okay doll?.... I'm sorry bout that i just thought maybe he would leave you alone if he thought you'd moved on"
I nodded quickly holding a hand over my mouth trying to hold in the sob that was trying to escape.
"He's gone" Steve said walking back over to us shaking his head "what an asshole"
"You guys go eat with the girls, i just need a minute" i told them before rushing inside, i didn't want to cry in front of everyone.

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