3: Make an Impression

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I unzipped it and turned it upside down over my new bed. As I shook out the contents of it I noticed on the ceiling above my bed the letters “R-E-I-N” had been painted in wonderful black calligraphy. At least I had found the room all right. I shifted my attention to the large pile of lace lingerie and nighties that covered the bed. Where to start? I wondered as I turned around and opened the top drawer of the large dresser.

I started with the matching pairs of bras and panties, making sure they were securely clipped together for easy access as I put them into the far right end of the drawer. I already knew I had enough lingerie to wear everything only once and still last me two hundred days or more. I guess you could say collecting lingerie was my hobby.

Something about knowing that underneath my clothing laid sexy lingerie made me feel oddly confident and relaxed.  I moved on to sorting the panties by type before tucking them away into my drawer. Every now and then my long golden brown hair with its pink streaked bangs would find its way into my eyes and I would brush it away.

I was so busy with my task of finishing putting the thongs away that I didn’t hear my bedroom door open. “Well I guess I was worried you’d be ugly for nothing.” The smooth husky sound of a boy came and I turned to look over at the source of the voice, a pair of pink mesh panties still in hand.

“Excuse me?” I asked as I buried it in the drawer and slid it closed.

“I’m Kale.”

“I figured as much, but what are you doing in my room?” I asked trying not to sound rude as I pushed my hair back behind my ears and looked over at him. I would get a step brother who’s a total babe.

He gave me a cocky smile his deep golden blonde hair complimenting the gold of his hazel eyes as he approached and sat on the edge of my bed. “Just wanted to see if you needed help unpacking and boy am I glad I did.” His smile stayed as he lifted one of the revealing lacey nighties I had laying still in a pile on my bed. Perfect circumstances to meet your new brother under I thought, doing a mental facepalm.

“No I have it pretty much under control.” I muttered as I grabbed the nightie from him. “Thank you though.” I added attempting to keep this meeting polite. I would be living with him for the next two years or until he moved out, it would be a smart idea to keep things on semi pleasant terms.

“You sure you don’t want to try that on to make sure it still fits? It would be a pity to waste precious dresser space.”

His words surprised me and I actually felt a hint of a blush come to my fair skinned cheeks. “I think I’ll chance it, thanks.” I grumbled. Again with the thanks? I sound like an idiot.


Kale must have realized he was making me uncomfortable for he snickered, his sturdy muscular chest shaking slightly as he did so. No. Step brother. I reminded myself as I began to praise his good looks mentally. “I don’t know about you but I don’t think this whole marriage idea thing our parents seem to have is going to work out.”

“I think we started off wrong. Let’s try this again. Hello Kale I am Rein, your step sister to be. Nice to meet you, now get out of my room please.” I replied blandly doing my best not to snap and punch him in the face. My mother was happy with his dad, she was the happiest I had ever seen her, and though I wished it wouldn’t work out at the same time I prayed that it would work for them; she deserved a good turn of events in her life.

His eyes locked with mine as if trying to do a Jedi mind battle we both waited for the other to speak first. “Kale!” another boy’s voice yelled out and from the sounds of it it came from close by my bedroom door.

“Yeah?” he responded not pulling his hazel eyes from mine.

“Where should I put these—oh hey.” The boy said as he stepped into his room his eyes landing on me. Just wonderful. I could feel his eyes as the scanned me up and down and I broke eye contact with Kale just in time to see his eyes flash from the nighties on the bed beside Kale to the nightie in my hand and back to me.

“Just put them in the guest bedroom.” He hissed turning to his friend with an annoyed look.

For some unknown reason I tossed the nightie on my bed and approached the boy with short blonde hair who had just set a large box on the ground by his feet. “Hi, I’m Rein. Thanks for helping with Christine and my things. I can give you a hand with that.” I offered flashing him a brilliant smile. Perhaps it was the harsh tone that Kale had used that made me feel like being so overly sweet with my smile?

I could hear the bed creek slightly as Kale got to his feet behind me but I ignored it. I don’t like him already. I thought of Kale and his cocky attitude. “Oh it’s really no problem at all. I didn’t have anything else to do. Not that I never have anything to do. I already made plans to help move you in today. But I didn’t have to cancel things.” He rambled looking caught off guard as he ran his hand over his short cut blonde hair. “I’m Frankie.” He managed to get out with an adorable bashful smile that showed off his clean white teeth.

“Like I said, put them in the guest bedroom.” Kale added in a peeved tone as he stepped up on my left side.

“Sure thing.” Frankie nodded picking back up the box. “I’ll uh see you around.” He added before going down the hall in the opposite direction from which he came.

I turned around slowly aware that Kale was only a few inches from me. “He’s kinda cute.” I said with a sly smile before heading back towards my bed. “Now leave my room.”

Medicate - AFI

It Began With a SmirkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang