10: Let the Grass Grow

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“Nice truck.” I complimented Jared as I closed the passenger door behind me. I had always loved pickup trucks and the rugged look of Jared’s beat up Silverado was a pleasant contrast from the fancy cars I had seen in this area so far.

He gave me a side glance to see whether or not I was teasing him. The sincere look on my face as he turned the engine on caused him to smile. “She may not be a beaut on the outside but like I’ve always said, it’s the inside that counts.” He revved the powerful engine and pulled out down the long driveway.

“Let’s see what turns you on.” I teased as I pushed his radio button and waited for it to start up. “Led Zeppelin, so you’re a rock kind of guy then.” I noted as the speakers started mid guitar solo. Phew, not a country guy.

“Oh no that’s my little sister’s music.” He said shaking his head as he turned the dial. Beethoven’s classical piano met my ears and I shot him a surprised look as he broke out laughing. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He turned the dial back to the rock.

I laughed with him the shocked look on my face must have been priceless because I had been caught so off guard. “I find it sad you even know where that station is.”

“I don’t I was aiming for polka music but classical seemed an equally deadly weapon.” He winked and turned down into the streets. 

My eyes focused on the big houses we passed as we drove through the rich streets of this end of town. “So siblings, you have any?” I asked him as I turned facing him in the seat, leaning myself against the truck door.

He shook his head. “No just me and my dad living together.”

“No mom?” I asked hesitantly hoping not to push him.

“She died when I was little from some disease back when we lived in Texas.”

“So from Texas to California?”

“We moved up here two years ago. The landscaping business is really big around here so we ended up settling down in town. It’s not that bad of a job if you enjoy being outside a lot and can ignore how people talk down to you.” He shrugged and I smiled.

“Well I promise I will only be talking up, you are taller than me after all.” He chuckled and shook his head. It wasn’t until he helped me in the truck I noticed he must have been at least 6”3. “So No accent, why’s that?”

He shrugged. “We took classes to get rid of them. For some reason people up here don’t take you seriously when ‘tire’ comes out sounding like ‘tar.”

I nodded. “I have a feeling I’m not going to fit in very well around here.” A sigh escaped my lips and I turned up the music a little. The big houses threw me off and I was glad once we started seeing smaller more reasonable sized houses.

“I don’t mean it rude because this isn’t how I think or anything so don’t take it that way but I don’t think you’ll have any problem fitting in. You’re an attractive girl and that’s what people around here seem to go on.” Jared said after a few minutes of silence.

“I’m more interested in making friends than fitting in.” He glanced over at me and I started to play with the air freshener on his rearview mirror. “So what school do you go to?” I asked not exactly sure of his age. Was he in college already?

We turned off another road and started to pass large vineyards my eyes scanning the beautiful scenes as we drove. “SèClairèVè Academy.” Replied and laughed. “The obnoxious way of saying the same highschool as you.”

I groaned. “Rich people and French names.”

“I’m a senior this year though. I take it you’re a junior?” I nodded in reply. “Same year as Kale.”

“And here I was secretly wishing he’d been held back a few years and kept a freshman.”

Jared laughed and we pulled up to a beautiful layout of tents and booths. Carts of fruits and vegetables riddled the plot of land and crowds of people hovered around making purchases. “Anything you have in mind to pick out?” he asked and I shook my head looking slightly surprised at the amount of people.

“Well we’ve got a huge cooler in the back so feel free to get what you want it’ll stay fresh in there.” He hopped out of the truck and I tried the door handle but it wouldn’t open. Jared put the key in the door and helped me out of the seat. “Yeah the door won’t open from the inside. Been meaning to take a look at that.” 

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