32: Plan B

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--Kale’s POV--

She was laying on her bed by the time I’d finally calmed myself down. I couldn’t believe that my plan had backfired so badly! How could I have not known that they’d end up spending the time I was supposed to be there with Rein instead? I’d meant to make them leave by not showing up so I wouldn’t have to share her. Instead I was an idiot and ended up handing her straight over to them.

Commence plan b. “Are you busy?” I asked her as I gave her a perfectly charming smile.

She looked frustrated as she closed her phone and stared blankly towards me. Who had she been calling? I wondered as jealousy flashed through me. Could it have been Jakeson? Or Skylar? 

“No I guess not.” she responded then turned her eyes back towards the ceiling instead. I watched her, taking in every little detail that I could without being a creeper. Seems like I picked the perfect time. I smiled to myself. She obviously seemed to be somewhat upset. I’ll cheer her up and she’ll be beyond thankful and think of me as the considerate guy. Maybe that’s what floats her boat?

“I was going to go out for a run, want to come?”

“No thanks. I’m a little worn out from football.”

They’d played football?! My fists clenched slowly as I pictured Jakeson tackling Rein to the ground, smiling down at her as she laughed beneath him. “Oh.” I muttered as I shook the image from my mind. What the hell is wrong with me? I thought sourly. I need to get my game back. “Is something on your mind?”

Bingo. She looked back towards me as I hovered in her doorway and I could tell from her eyes that she had indeed been thinking when I’d come in. “No, I’m good.”

I ignored her denial and instead walked across her room and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. “Just good?” I asked and she didn’t even look at me. “I can fix that.”

Her eyes slowly shifted towards me. “Oh can you now?”

“Yes, I can make you feel great.” I smirked down at and couldn’t help but scanning her again. God damn does she look good. My eyes lingered on the shorts she was wearing. One day I’m going to get those off with more than just my eyes.

Even though I could hear her groan and knew she was rolling her eyes my smirk remained. “No thanks Kale, I’ll pass today and every other day.”

“Are you sure? I hear I’m very good at it.”

“Yes Kale. I am quite sure.” she retorted. “Now can you just get out if all you came to do was lamely attempt to hit on me?”

She so wants me. I smiled and moved to lay down on my chest beside her, my head propped up as my hands as I looked over at her. “If you won’t let me please you physically at least let me relieve some mental tension of yours.” She’s fallen right into the trap.

My smile became a smirk as she asked, “And how do you plan to accomplish this?”

“Talk to me.” she groaned and I ignored it. “Nothing crude intended. Just talking civilly like two normal people.” I gave her one of my brilliant smiles. “You can do that, right?”

She rolled her eyes but I knew that I’d played my cards right. Yes, talk to me and realize what a deep guy I am. I thought feeling accomplished. Even though whatever she said was sure to be the classic girl ramble.

“Fine. What do you want to talk about?” she asked.

“You can pick.” I said and rolled onto my back to look up at her as she shifted to a sitting position, putting a little more distance between us. I prepared myself for the boredness I’d surely be put through. What would she start with? Clothes? Shopping? Who’s dating who?

She didn’t miss a beat. “Before I got here what was a typical day for you?”

Okay, not what I expected. I admitted to myself. I wasn’t sure why she had asked but decided I may as well answer. “Do you want the real answer or one that you will approve of?”

She laughed and it was a sound that made me smile too. “If I ask you anything it’s because I want to know the ugly truth.” she said. “If I wanted something else I’d just left it unasked and make up my own answers.” I was surprised by this answer. What kind of a female is she? I wondered as I looked up into her beautiful face. She wasn’t like any girl I’d had to put the Kale charm on so far.

That doesn’t matter. She’ll break sooner or later.

I answered her question and next thing I knew I wound up having a conversation with her I was genuinely interested in. There was no talk about clothes, boys, gossip or anything I expected. I hadn’t realized it then but all of our conversation was about who I was, and I was the one playing right into her hands instead as I opened up about things I hadn’t talked about to anyone before. So much for my plan. 

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