69: Stand Off

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--Kale’s POV—

“What the fuck is going on here?” I asked angrily. How long has she been having him spend the night? I wondered angrily looking down at her sleeping face in his lap.

Jakeson held his finger up to his lips, his free hand still playing with her hair. “Shh. She’s sleeping.” he urged.

I glared at him. He knew full well why I was pissed off. I hadn’t left just so she could have him here. I looked down at her again. She was supposed to be lonely without me and glad when I finally did spend time with her. “Why are you here?” I asked, being quieter this time.

“Rein invited me over.” he answered sounding proud of himself.

“How long has this been going on?”

Jakeson looked up at me amused. “You know that we’ve been dating. It wasn’t supposed to be a secret.”

“I meant,” I hissed, “how long have you been coming to my house behind my back?”

As if realizing my attitude Jakeson’s eyes narrowed and his fingers tangled themselves in Rein’s hair as she slept, holding her more possessively. “As much as I’d like to see your pissed off face and say that it’s been weeks it hasn’t been.” he said slowly. “This is the first time she’s invited me here.”

It surprised me how this actually relieved me a little bit. So she hadn’t been filling the lack of my presence with his then. At least I had that. “Get out of my house.”

“No.” he responded tersely. “I’m not leaving her here alone with you.”

“Get out.” I repeated.

“I said I’m not leaving and I mean it.” he growled back. Fucking Jakeson! I thought as anger boiled inside me. What on earth was he playing at?

“This is my fucking house.” I hissed shooting him a dangerous glare. “Now get the hell out before I make you.”

He smirked up at me as she shifted in her sleep and he pulled the blanket back over her. “It’s as much Reins’s house as it is your house actually.” he said tauntingly. “You see you failed to mention to us that she’s not just the daughter of your dad’s girlfriend. No, Rein’s going to be your stepsister soon.”

My heart lurched in my chest. No one was supposed to know. My dad was supposed to have changed his mind about Rein’s mom by now. “Get out.” I repeated for lack of anything else to say as my anger rose and my heart sunk.

“I don’t like how you look at her.” he stated his smirk becoming a glare. “I don’t like how you talk to her. I don’t like that she’s living here with you. It’s her choice what she does with her life, but as her boyfriend I’m telling you to back off.”

“She’s not yours!” I seethed. How dare he tell me what to do? I’m Kale. I don’t chase girls! I told myself as I balled my hands into fists. Jakeson that arrogant asshole couldn’t possibly think I liked Rein.

“She’s not anyone’s.” he responded keeping his voice low. “I don’t want to own her. I want to be with her. I’m not like you Kale. I actually care about her.”

Who is he to tell me who I do and don’t care about? “You-“ I started to say a little too loudly and Rein stirred in his lap, almost waking up. I watched as she gave a soft moan in her sleep and rolled onto her side, burying her face towards his chest. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said lowering my voice so as not to wake her.

I looked back up to him but his eyes were down on her head in his lap staring at her with a gentle smile. “I’ll leave. She should sleep in a bed.” he said softly before turning his eyes up towards me. “I advise you get to bed too.”

I glared at him and turned to storm from the room. I couldn’t very well kill him with Rein right there. She looks so cute when she sleeps. I thought as I remembered the times I’d snuck into her bedroom. I’d actually meant it when I’d told her that.

I could hear Jakeson waking her gently and I rushed off and up towards my room. Fuck Jakeson. I thought again as I ducked into my room. I waited for a bit before peeking my head out.

He carried her bridal style into her room, talking to her gently as she smiled sleepily up at him. He only thinks he cares about her. I told myself as I ducked back into the hall and leaned up against the wall with my arms crossed. Jakeson left her room and closed the door gently behind him before turning to look at me.

“If you even think about going into her room I’ll personally make sure that you’re never able to so much as throw a football again.” he threatened me with a glare, striding towards me.

I stared him straight in his eyes standing eye level with him. “Go ahead and try.”

“I mean it.” he said slowly his eyes flashing dangerously.

I shrugged. “If you say so.” Before he could reply I sauntered down the hall and back into my room to fume in solitude.

Breaking - Anberlin 

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