18: Playing the Parents

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--Kale’s POV--

Where the fuck is she? I wondered as I flipped through TV channels impatiently. If Skylar so much as laid a finger on her. . . I thought worried. He was used to girls wanting him, how would he react to Rein when she rejects him? What if she doesn’t reject him?


My eyes nervously scanned the clock on. It had been over an hour since I had gotten home and I had purposely driven as slow as possible so as not to get home before Skylar dropped her off. I heard the front door and I looked up smugly, waiting for Rein to walk up. “Oh hi dad.” I said standing up instantly wiping the look off of my face.

“Kale I have something important to talk about with you, are you busy?” his eyes flickered to the television and I got the hint and switched it off.

“Bad news or good news?” I asked.

“More of a request than news.” He looked around for a moment. “Where’s Rein?”

“She’s in her room and doesn’t feel like being bothered.” Why did I cover for her?


“Rough first day?”

Because saying I let her go out with some guy she literally just met when she barely knows her own address would make me seem like a complete moron. “Yeah I guess so. I tried talking to her but she really wanted to be alone.”

“That’s actually what I needed to talk to you about.”

I cocked my eyebrow and looked at him. “Oh?”

“I know you think that this is going to fall through about Christine, but I’m serious this time.” My dad said as he checked his watch.

“Okay.” He said that about the last six women.


“I need you to help Rein get used to school. It’s new people and a new place and I’m sure she finds it intimidating to her. This is the first time you’ll be having a sibling of any kind and I need to know that you will be responsible and help me with this.”

I nodded. “Yeah I think I can handle that.”


“Dad I will make sure to help Rein to the best of my abilities.” I cut him off already knowing what he was about to say.

My dad nodded. “Well I have to go pick up Christine and then we are going out to eat.”

“I take it you’ll be back late?”

“No friends over.” He replied already knowing what was on my mind. “But I do think you can have a party to introduce her to some of the right people-“

So the stubborn brat is of some use. “Alright!”

“-but and this is a big but, keep it under control. It won’t be for another few weeks when I take Christine up to the lake house.”

I looked up as Rein walked in a bag in her hand.

--Rein’s POV--

I felt like I had just walked into the middle of a conversation. “Oh sorry.” I apologized as I started to back out of the room. I can’t believe I walked into the wrong room. I had been looking for the way to sitting room, not the living room.

“Rein are you feeling any better?” Michael asked me motioning for me to come in. Feeling any better?


I looked to Kale to a moment his eyes pleading me to go along with it. “Uh yeah, I guess so. Just first day jitters. I’ll get over it.” Am I supposed to be physically or emotionally not feeling well? I wondered deciding that I’d make a cover up that covered both aspects.

“If ever need anything feel free to let me know, I’d rather you not be miserable while living here.” Michael gave me a smile and I returned it.

“How could I be miserable? I wonderful house full of wonderful people. And I always hated being an only child.” If Kale can turn on the charm on my mom I can on his dad. “You’re looking fresh; do you have a big date?”

Michael gave me another smile and I could swear he looked nervous. “Two year anniversary.”

“Did you get her flowers?” I asked him.

“I was going to pick some up on my way to get her, speaking of which I should probably be heading out now.”

“Well if you stop at the Lamberaè store on the corner by the electronics store you can get her a beautiful stone carved collectible mechanical pencil. She’s absolutely obsessed with writing and it’d be a lovely gift.” I offered him as he straightened his tie.

“You know I think I’ll do that, you’re a lifesaver Rein.” Michael left without another word looking considerably calmer.

Kale looked up at me as I turned to leave the room. “Did you really always want a sibling?” he asked curious.

“Hell no.” I scoffed and walked out.    

The Birds and the Bees - Breathe California 

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