7: Playing Rough

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Kale looked at them a moment before talking. “Guys this is Rein, Rein this is the guys. She’s going to be playing with us today so please take it easy. I don’t want to have to explain to my dad why she’s bruised on her second day here okay?” I scoffed at this but otherwise stayed silent. “Shirts versus skins.” He announced and as expected he pulled off his shirt revealing his perfectly toned and muscled chest.

I made a point of not looking at him and instead looked to the guys standing around. There must be some magic in the water here because the guys are all so fit. Well it is California and a rich neighborhood. When you are always shirtless at your fancy pool you have to tone up to be accepted I suppose.

“Mark, Spencer, William, Jordyn and Tyler you’re on my team.” He called out tossing the ball in the air. So he’s the leader of this group. Just great. “You can be on our team too Rein.” He added with a smirk teasing his light colored wonderfully shaped lips.

“I think I’ll go on the shirt team thank you very much.” I replied as the guys he called on all removed their shirts and tossed them in a pile along with his.

“So Frankie-“ he smiled at me upon hearing his name and I returned it much to Kale’s annoyance, “-Lucas, Brendon, Daniel and Trevor you’re on Rein’s team then. You guys kickoff.” He turned to me and raised an eyebrow. “Last chance to be scorekeeper baby.”

I didn’t answer and instead took my position behind the one named Brendon who kicked off the ball. I didn’t bother asking what the sidelines were because they seemed to already be painted into the grass coming to a stop where the touchdown line started. Trevor tackled Jordyn near their thirty yard line and I had to admire Brendon’s smooth kick and Trevor’s speed.

It’s not a competition. Just a game. I reminded myself as he huddled waiting for them to finish discussing their first play. Frankie gave everyone positions and finished with me simply saying “- if someone gets the ball tackle them.” As he gave me an awkward bashful grin. I nodded. Everyone here thinks I am an idiot.

We broke the huddle and Kale took position as quarterback which honestly didn’t surprise me. “Hike.” He said abruptly and everyone started to move, Kale lingering to decide who to throw to. His eyes were glued to Jordyn and I glanced for a mere second in his direction. He was too slow with the kickoff he wouldn’t risk it.  I determined and noticed that Mark had found an opening. I darted for him full speed not even bothering to check if that was where the ball was actually going.

He slowed his running looking over his right shoulder his hands in a position ready for the ball. I kicked it into gear and sped towards him dodging a shirtless Tyler on my way. Damn is he fast. Seconds after he caught the ball on his fingertips and moved to tuck it under his arm I lowered my left shoulder ready for impact and collided with him at full speed.

Overkill much? My mind scolded me as we both went tumbling towards the ground his hold on the ball never fully secure it slipped out before he had the chance to grab it. No fumble but no touchdown for them either. We thudded against the ground and I hopped to my feet instantly. Agility and speed were my strong suits, not to mention force. Mark looked up at me surprised. Brendon let out a yell “Fuck yeah!” and patted me on the back. “Nice tackle.”

“We’re just getting warmed up.” I could hear Kale mumble even with how far he was. I smiled at Brendon and walked to the spot we’d be huddling again.

“So I did good right? Tackle the person with the ball?” I asked innocently as Frankie joined us. Brendon laughed and Frankie blushed embarrassed at underestimating me.

“Yeah. You did good.”

Holler 'Till You Pass Out - 3Oh!3

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