Wanting me

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Charlotte pov

"Charlotte Lockhart to the principal office" I hear though the intercom catching everyone attention but I look at the queen Linda who I was arguing with wishing we both come have finished what she started but no one of us get that wish. Linda has a grin on her face thinking she won this battle but I give her the eye roll before walking to the principal office knowing theres going to be another encounter between us like there always is. The walk to the principle office is on the other side of the school so I put my earphones in wanting to listen to some music before listening to the principal talk about random shit I don't even know why I am getting called in this time. Reaching the office I lightly knock on the door and wait hoping this is quick. 

"Come on in" I hear a male voice barely on the other side of the door as I open the door I see the principal sat in his normal sit with another man stood in the corner talking to each other but they both stop when I walk in, I look between them wondering if I should of waited or been told there was someone else in there. 

"I can come back later" I say looking between the strange man and the principal who both have smiles on there faces, I knew I should have taken a slower walk to the principle office but as I stand there waiting for my response I wonder what I actually am doing here

"None sense, take a seat Charlotte" the principal say pointing towards a chair in front of his desk, as i make my way to the seat I think about all the things I done to make sure I'm not in trouble but by there faces I don't think I am, both men wear a smile like its Permanent on there skin. 

"Charlotte I know this is a touchy subject but this town is holding the next surfing competition and we would love you to enter and represent our town and school" I hear the principal say locking eyes with me with a smile on his face but he should know better then bring that up, I look down at my hands which are getting all sweaty just thinking about getting back on the board, I feel like this is deja vu when I had this conversation with my grandparents. 

"I'm sorry I can't" I say not wanting to look at the principal as I'll just see another disappointed look. I stand up getting ready to walk when the strange man steps forward about to open his month, I know what he's about to say as its always the same question when I say I cant

"Excuse me, why can't you? We seen you surf and you have talent" I hear the man say but I take a good luck at the stranger and I knew he looked familiar, he's the coach for the men's surfing competition I think Ryan, but couldn't be sure as I always has a one on one coach though out my years of surfing 

"I don't want to pain and simply" I say standing up and walking out the office, I'm not about to stay and let them waste there breath trying to convince me because it's not happening. I quickly send a text to Katie letting her know I'm skipping and put my phone back into my pocket before walking off

I don't know how long I have been walking but it feels like hours, but for some reason I always walk to the same spot every time I'm annoyed and that's too the ocean outside my house, the ocean is  coming and going which is actually quite calming and I love it, this has always been my spot. Sitting here watching as the ocean curls up to make waves I can't help but think about all the times me and my parents would go and surf together, we would judge each ride and the winner got to choice what we had for take out and for some reason my father kept winning. Our family always loved it when I was in the ocean those was the best times of my life and I think my parents life, I was there everything. Looking at the ocean my hand falls on a stone and I throw it into the ocean I don't know why but I can't help but think if the crash was my fault it's been in my mind every since I woke up, but as my brain starts to turn my phone starts going off I quickly look at my watch and realise I'm late, school finished ten minutes ago, sending a quick message to Katie telling her I'll be right there I take off hoping my legs can carry me that far.

Reaching school in record time I see Katie standing there looking at her phone but as Katie brings her eyes from the phone she spots me walking over to her with my hands in my pocket, I know she's about to ask or shout at me for skipping but I just needed to get away from everything and clear my head for a while

"Where have you been?" Katie pretty much shouts across the yard, she doesn't care about anyone listening to her shout as she couldn't give a shit. I walk over to hear instead of shouting as I don't want to embarrass myself or her. 

"Sorry lost track of time, you know I'm always late then early" I respond with a little smile as she should know better, she's always texting me to make sure I'm awake for school but still then I don't want to get out of bed 

"You left me alone in maths, do you know how bad that lesson was? For that your coming to my heat later today, I need my best friend by my side" Katie tells me but by the sound of her voice that definitely wasn't a question, she was telling me I had to 

"I'll pick you up in a hour Lottie, make sure your ready on time" Katie implies walking off with a smile on her face, I stick my earphones in and start humming alone to the music as I walk home slowly feeling the fresh air hit my face and more my hair in the wind.

Once I'm home I throw my bag at the end of the steps and head straight upstairs I'm not sure how I feel about cheering her on as it will be my first time I make an appearance since the accident. Opening my door to my bedroom I kick my trainers off before jumping on my bed wondering if I fall asleep will she come and jump on me, instead i choice to just lay there swiping on Facebook seeing if I can find anything decide to entertain myself for a hour. 

"Lottie, Katie is here" I hear my grandad shout from the bottom of the steps but as I look at my phone I only just realised I was on YouTube for a hour, I quickly throw on a pair of jean shorts and a crop top with the hot weather and head downstairs to Katie who's stood at the bottom with a smile on her face feeling like she won but I am not so sure about it as she said I had to come but she said nothing about staying. 

"Glad you could come Lottie" Katie whispers with a evil grin on her face as she knows she never gave me a choice but I give my best sweet smile to her knowing this isn't over not by a long shot. 

"You haven't been to one of my heats in a while, I'm soo excited" Katie squeaks as we walk outside to her car, I know she's excited as every since the accident I go to school and I go home I don't really socialise anymore, when I want out the house I sit in my back garden by the ocean and I know my grandparents are worried about me and wish I was the same but I'm not the same person no more, I have changed. 

"I know, you didn't give me a choice" I say laughing hoping she doesn't take it the wrong way and the way she laughs I know she didn't mind my comment instead she smiles at me feeling like this is one step forward but thats only half of it as I may take this one step forwards but I will always take two steps backwards. 

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