Not giving up

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Laying on my bed looking at the ceiling i have done nothing but think for the pass two weeks, i don't know what's going on in my head, i'm over thinking. Sitting up right i put my head into my hands as i know what today is, its my quarter finals and once again I'm a nervous wreck, the completion is getting harder and before i know it ill be against Linda which should be fun with her literally hating me for god knows what reason, hopeful it will die after this completion and i can move on with my life. Surfing with my heart i have always though about having fun and letting my hair done just enjoying myself which I have start to do but i can see everyone judging me with there eyes, waiting for me to make a mistake or fall, i don't know how to please everyone but I'm hoping my pleasing my parents. Finally biting the bullet i get out of bed and into the shower, just to let the cool water wake me up a little, ill be lying if i said I wasn't nervous about the quarter finals but i am, I'm nervous for every event. Staying in the shower for twenty minutes i know it time to get out, i have always loved the water, the ocean so i know when its time to get out the shower or come in from the ocean. Living around water i would of been a fool not to take the opportunity like my parents, i just wish they was hear to see how much I'm loving it still at this point. I dont know where i would of been if my parents was still here but losing someone gives you the strength to carry on but in my case i locked myself up but now I'm doing this for them and myself.

Reaching the beach with a smile on my face i head towards the family excited for this next round, this time I'm going to have fun let my hair down and try not to think about drowning like a wet fish, grabbing the pink top from my uncle i give him a quick hug before my eyes turn to Darren, he's still here cheering me on, the whole family are aware of our romance, is it a romance, we been out on a few dates so does not mean we dating, even mind i got to get my head into surfing and coming out without scaring the family this time. Finishing up with the hugs i make my way to the rest of the surfers, looking out to the ocean I didn't realise the gun has gone off, I'm only a couple of sets behind the girls but i know its nothing as patience is key sometimes, there's no point in trying to catch every wave, i only need two.
"I'm glad your back, it hasn't been the same without you" i hear a girl wearing a blue top say smiling at me, i didn't know who she was but by the looks of it she knows me, have we surfed together before, god knows i have surfed against a lot of people
"Um thanks, i'm just here to have fun this time" I respond before paddling for this next wave and lucky me i have no one else to paddle again with everyone else trying to get back to the zone, as the wave comes i drop down on it having a smile on my face, twisting my body for the turn i end up a little out but i still make the wave before jumping off my surf board.
"Charlotte in pink takes the lead with that wave" i here being announced and i throw my hands up, i enjoyed myself but I have to get another perfect wave, turning back to see my family, I didn't expect them to be all on there feet jumping up and down like clowns, its nice to know i have family so supporting, this one is for them.

Having five minutes left on the clock I'm still sat on my board waiting for a perfect wave to come like everyone else, as i look at the completion i have only just notice who I'm surfing against, there's is some big names in this completion but I didn't know I wasn't paying attention. Looking at the girls one of them turn to me giving me a smile, i just got caught fan girling something i never intended to do, it's refreshing that theses girl are a lot nicer
"I'm glad your here this year girl, someone needs to kick Linda ego a little" with the words leaving one of the girls mouth everyone laughs, i didn't realised everyone had a problem with her, i understand she won last year but the parents bought the judges which wasn't fair on the girls who are actually one of the best and have a shot at number one
"I doubt her parents can buy it this year with the shocking news of charlotte arrived, there's camera and news reporters everywhere to get a couple words from you" another girl says with a little laugh of her own, i haven't noticed the camera and news reporters till now, just show how much my head is in todays completion
"She can win it again this time if she wants, I don't care. I'm only here to have fun and if the scouts come they will see the talent on every wave, not just the points" i wink with everyone else smiling or laughing, i have forgotten what its like but when there's a wave coming everyone starts paddling apart from myself who waits for second longer, i know there's a wave coming. Looking at the clock I have under a minute to stand on a wave. Paddling a little more out i spot a wave coming and i start paddling only just seeing everyone else smiling at me giving me a thumbs up, if I didn't know better ill say they want me to win and kick Linda in the finals, smiling i drop onto the wave twisting and turning on the board staying in the zones and as I'm doing that i hear the buzzer.

Finishing the wave I'm smiling to myself as i paddle back to the beach with a real smile on my face, throughout the day i haven't had to fake one single emotion which I'm thankful for, i guess its the girls i surfed against and my family, i enjoyed myself. Standing next to my family as we hear the results I'm patiently waiting for my name
"Your winner and going to the finals is Charlotte Lockhart" jumping up and down i jump into my family arms i cant believe i made it to the finals and without paying the judges, being put back on my feet the girls come over to give me congratulations, i didn't think ill make friends while surfing but we actually bonded pretty fast while waiting. As I'm in the middle of hugging everyone a new reports comes running over sticking her mic in my face
"Charlotte how do you feel to be in the finals, any words" i have hated being on the news and talking to them as they twist your words against you but this time i step up looking at her with do i speak or don't
"I never planned on getting this far in the completion, I just wanted to feel closer to my parents and have fun which i have done. The girls i faced against today made it a lot easier to do that without the pity looks. For me its not about winning its about having fun and thats what I'm doing" i say before being picked up by Darren and wrapped in his arms, i hope there proud of me and what I'm doing. I think my outcome has changed and I'm doing this for everyone who has gone though a tragic and wants to overcome it and get back to having fun.
"I'm proud of you little sapphire" a even widen smile appears on my face as Darren kisses my cheek before letting me down to celebrate the win with everyone before heading over to the cafe with Katie to celebrate like always, it finally feels like I'm slowly moving on and thats down to my family and friends.

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