Hard work

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I have put a lot of trust in myself for this completion and I'm hoping i can finish it with a smile on my face like the one i had today during the completion. Moving on from the crash i always knew it was going to be hard as ill never overcome the tragic or the loss but here i am slowly moving forward, but every two steps forward i always take a seat back and I'm guessing that is still a step in the right decision, I'm guess I'm just afraid to lose the memories i have off my parents. It was always the three of us thick as thief's all my life so losing them hit me harder then ever then having family come and tell me there's here for it was a lot to take it however finishing the completion today i knew its a right step in the direction, i have gained too guardian angels and found a family with my uncles and cousins. Reaching the front door of my grandparents house after having an eventful day of surfing and then gossiping with Katie I just want my bed thats been calling my day since i got in the car, heading inside i head straight towards my bedroom, dropping my bag to the floor, it takes me less then a seconds to strip out my clothes and into nightwear as once my head hits that pillow ill be out like a light.

Waking up i have never felt any better I didn't know i needed that sleep, throwing my legs off the bed i head towards the bathroom but before i can reach it i spot a figure in the ocean, it doesn't take me long to know its Darren sitting on the surf board waiting for a wave, i knew he could surf but I wasn't expecting him to be this good. Quickly cleaning myself up and making a cup of tea i head outside with a blanket wrapped around my shoulder, i take a seat on the beach watching Darren as he surfs, he's definitely something else, maybe i could get him to teach me some of the tricks he does. As I'm watching Darren i hear someone take a spot next to taking some of my blanket that's wrapped around me
"You know he's got his completion this week" hayden says watching his best friend, i don't know much about my cousin and Darren but I know they been best friends for a while, i have always wished for a friendship like my cousins and i have it with Katie, i just wished she could surf so we could complete together but i know her love is in skateboarding
"That's this week? How come neither of you said anything?" I ask curious why both boys haven't said anything about it, i would of came and watch, cheered him on like he has been doing with it. He's been my biggest help and i want to repay it with cheering him on, hopefully he let me as I'm coming whether he likes it or not
"He wanted to help you so he put it off training, this is the first time i seen him properly train since he came" i feel really bad now that he put it off to help me, he could of said something, I wouldn't of minded if he wanted to take a break so he could train a little, isn't that the reason he's here for the completion and then coming home and the thought about him leaving makes my face go sour. I don't want to be his reason for not placing in the final or not going back home. Sitting there a little longer hayden has left to get some breakfast but I'm right behind him now as my belly growls wanting to be fed, I'm always hungry.

Walking inside the house I'm not even surprised anymore to see uncle standing there helping himself to the food in the fridge knowing he only lives next door unfortunately, he has toast on the side he's eating but still looking inside the fridge, my uncle has a bigger appetite that i do. Sneaking behind my uncle i take the toast before walking into the front room where my grandparents are sat watching the television with a cup of tea in hand, i take a seat in between them squeezing myself in between them but they let me as I'm there only granddaughter so i do get away with a lot of stuff
"Morning Kiddo, are we going to see you practicing later?" I haven't thought about practicing today with uncle jason nipping out for the day but maybe me and Darren can train together a little bit teaching each other a couple of tricks. I could watch him and then pick on where he can improve and then vice versa.


Sitting on my board i watch Darren paddle towards the wave before dropping down on it, he's a skilled surfer so I'm surprised he hasn't been scouted yet or surfing professionally, he doesn't only have the skill for it but also the heart which i like about it, he doesn't only do it for the frame and fortune, he does it because he loves to, something i always did but now i don't know if my heart will still be in it after the completion. Pulling my head from out of my mind i watch Darren twist and turn on the wave, the smile on his face says everything, I'm not even sure what he can improve on honestly.
"Damn boy you can surf" i say as he paddles up to me with a smile that i have never seen, i guess surfing brings out the happiness in him,
"Thank you, means a lot coming from you but now its your turn. Remember not to drop to early" i nod my head as i paddle out a little more, waiting for a wave i calm my nerves ready to try out the new trick Darren given me to try and play around with, the best two waves of your run out so i can have a little fun with at least four of them, trial and error. Spotting the wave i look behind me once more before i start paddling, i have to drop on the wave at a certain point so I was told, waiting isn't something i would say I'm good at but this time i nailed it and dropped down on the wave, riding the wave i move my feet slightly but only for me to fall flat on my arse with a little laugh, i guess its going to take more then one attempt to nail the trick.

Darren pov

Its been a week since i trained with lottie and honestly i enjoyed it but todays its my first round so i got to keep my head in the game, i looked forward to this championship for a while, there be people watching us wanting to sponsor any of us and I'm hoping i at least get noticed. Signing myself up i look around to the guys in my first round, i have heard almost about everyone i will be facing so I i know everyone is good, however i had jason, lottie uncle give me a couple of tips when i was playing round with lottie, its been nice just messing away and having a laugh without having a serious face on all the time. Making my way over to lottie and hayden as i singed it i can see there both excited to see me surf, the rest of there family will be down shortly to watch it, its nice to have this much support after i told them it wasn't necessary but they told me its nothing as they see me as family which is nice. If i make it though this round ill have everyone to celebrate with.
"Good luck" lottie says kissing my cheek while hayden just fist bump me with a smile but i know he's ready to kill me if i hurt his little cousin. Nodding my head towards hayden i kiss lottie before lining up with the rest of the lads waiting for the gun to go off, the ocean looks calm today, no wild waves yet to come. Hearing the gun i race into the ocean paddling out to the zone, jason told me not to take the first wave so when the first one comes i wait back and watch the rest of them fight for it. Looking at the beach lottie family has finally arrived standing on there feet watching me, giving me a thumbs up before taking a seat next to lottie and hayden, it feels nice to have people supporting you.

Dropping down on the wave i doesn't feel like a completion but instead I'm just having fun, like lottie told me to have. I don't feel as stiff but rather relax and enjoying myself, its probably the most fun i had in a while without all the stress. Twisting and turning on the wave i feel free and i have a huge smile on my face before jumping behind and into the water, i enjoyed that wave. Paddling back to the zone i look to the beach to see everyone on there feet cheering for me, taking a breather i splash some water on my face, i cant see the score board but i'm hoping i done enough to get though to the next round with only a minute remaining on the clock and the ocean looking empty, i don't think another wave is coming. As the clock ticks down, i don't have to wait long till the gun goes off telling us that's it for this round, i just have to wait for the news. Paddling towards the beach i want to run straight into lottie arms with a smile, i cant believe how much she has changed my life over the couple of months i been here, if only she knew. Lottie jumping into my arms i kiss her cheek before dropping her down and giving everyone else i hug, we are all waiting for the results when i hear my name
"Your winner Darren...." i don't listen to anything else I'm too excited, I'm though to the next rounds and hopefully the finals, its been a rollercoaster of a ride for lottie and now she knows my completion has started i know she be spending less time with me wanting me to focus on my completion but i find it easier to train when shes with me, hopefully we can train together more often, ill like that more.

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