Completing in heat 1

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Charlotte pov

The last couple of days have been exhausting and Jason has managed to convince me to enter the first heat, I'm not even sure how or when he got me to enter but I know he has and I don't know whether to be nervous or scared. Waking up on completion day I am a nervous wreck I don't know if I can do it, it's different practicing behind your house where no one is watching but completing against other surfers is another story and I don't know if I can. I'm currently sitting on my bed overthinking about everything but I'm being pulled from my though when there's a light knock at my door. 

"Lottie, can I come in?" I hear as the door peaks open a little bit and stood by the door is my two cousins Hayden and Oliver looking shy "of course, what's up?" I ask trying to keep my mind from thinking the worse especially me falling and drowning or freezing. 

"We all want to be there cheering you on but it's ok if you don't, we all know we could never replace your parents but we plan to cheer just as loud as they would if you would let us" I hear Hayden says standing next to my side with Oliver sitting on my bed near my feet, everyone knew how much my parents meant to me so its lovely of them to ask, I would love my parents to be there but they cant. 

"I would love it if you was all there, I know my parents aren't with us no more but they be proud of us all coming together" I say getting off my bed and hugging my two cousins. I'm honestly thankful that they are here with me as I couldn't of done it without everyone

Katie : good luck today superstar

Seeing a message from my best friend has made my day, our bond is much stronger then friends, we argue like a married couple and fight like siblings. Honestly I think her parents love me more then there own daughter some times. Finally getting off my bed I decide to get ready, I'm doing this for my parents and plan to make them proud as I know they will be always watching me wherever they might be. Throwing my clothes on I make my way downstairs hoping Sarah is still somewhere in the house as I want my hair braiding and I know she's can do it for me, walking into the kitchen I find Sarah making herself a cup of tea. 

"Sarah could you do my hair please" I ask catching her off guard, she turns to me giving me her best smile and nods her head, I take my seat on one of the kitchen strolls, I can see the looks on everyone face as they have waited for this day, me to get back on the surf board but I still fear of freezing on the wave. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask as I have barely seen anyone this morning for some reason I'm hoping they haven't left without me, I need someone with me to stop me from running away. 

"They gone to sign you in and get the best spots by the beach as you got the whole family coming to see your return sweetheart. By the way your blue top" I hear Sarah say while sorting my hair out so it doesn't get in my way. 

Once my hair is sorted and I'm ready, Sarah drops me off by the beach but I'm still sitting in the car a little scared as everyone would be looking at me and whispering. I don't know if I'll ever be ready but I know Sarah is sat next to me she wouldn't leave me on my own. Sarah hasn't said a word about me getting out the car yet instead she sits with me knowing I have to do this on my own terms and I love her for that. 

"Away from the eye, never from the heart Lottie. Remember that" I hear her say getting out the car and coming round to my door, she opens the door for me and helps me out as I don't think I'll be able to do it by myself. Walking down the beach I can almost see the whole town has turned up.

"Welcome everyone to heat one, We have our first six completing today and heat 2 will be tomorrow. In pink is Allison gold, in black terry grey" as they mention everyone I couldn't be any more relief as I don't have to complete against Linda today but I can see her across the beach with Lacey, Darren ex girlfriend 

"And I'm blue we have the return of Charlotte 'lottie' Lockhart" I hear and everyone starts looking around for me but lucky for me I am hidden by my family. As I sort my board out Katie and her parents comes over to me with a smile as they excited for me, Katie has been the only one not to push me back on the board and has been silently waiting but I see the smile on her face as she sees me. 

"You got this Lottie, we be right here if you need anything" Katie says giving me a hug before she gets ready to watch the competition. I knew Katie wasn't going to miss this especially after I made her wait two years for my return. 

One by one everyone gives me a hug before the whistle blows, I'm at the starting line ready to start but I'm shaking as I haven't completed in a while. Once I hear the whistle I'm running into the ocean trying to paddle out to get the best wave but as I go over the first wave I can't stop thinking about everything once again and my mind is rolling with all the what's ifs. I'm the last one the reach where everyone else is waiting for a wave and i am getting nervous. Watching one by one take the wave I realise I'm the only one who hasn't got a score on the score sheet yet and decide to take the next wave but as I spot it coming I start to paddle and I can hear everyone cheering me on. I'm about to drop and I remember that my parents are proud and I managed to drop without falling but I can't say the same around riding the wave as I nearly fall.

As I successfully take my first wave I look at my family who are jumping up and down cheering me on, I know my first wave wasn't that bad, I'm proud of actually managing not to fall flat on my face for the first time. Having ten minutes to get the best score I head to the shore to get a breather and talk to my uncle Jason before going back out, I'm currently second with the best score and the top two go though, I hope my parents are proud 

"Lottie I just want to say how proud I am that your back on the board, the whole town is hear for you, good luck sweetie" I hear Betty say walking up to me and I look at the town I see everyone looking at me giving me a smile. Did my family do this for me. Heading down out to catch one more wave I start to paddle hoping I can catch one last one. Waiting a couple of minutes I'm paddling up against a girl in yellow but I managed to get the drop first and as I soon as I drop down, I get side swipe by a wave which carries me under the wave.

"Lottie" Is the last thing I hear before I start to black out

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