Happy times

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Charlotte pov

Waking up for the first time in a while without screaming from a nightmare I couldn't be any more happier, I know this is a tiny step forward but I know I'm heading in the right direction with some help, maybe it's time for me to talk to someone professional about the nightmares like grandad said. Thinking about the idea doesn't sound all so bad as maybe It could help but so can talking to someone from the outside maybe like Darren. Finally climbing out of bed I take a look at the weather it doesn't look so bad today, I quickly throw on a pair of denim shorts and an oversized t-shirt before finishing it off with a cap my signature style. Walking downstairs I know I'm about to get some food as cousins are next door or aren't up yet, thank fuck. Heading to the kitchen I smell fresh baked pancakes with some bacon laid out for me and only me, I love my grandparents for everything they done so far especially the cooking. 

"Morning little one" I hear uncle Steven say walking though the front door, but I roll my eyes as it's too early for this, too early for my cousins to take all the food before I had a chance to give anything a taste. I need more females in this house. 

"Isn't it too early for you to be out of bed old man" I laugh taking a bite on my bacon before he takes it all with his sticky fingers but he ignores the comment and gives me a side hug before looking in the fridge, clearly have no food in yet. Jumping to my feet I rush out the door ready for the first day back since I got suspended for a week.

Standing at my locker I'm waiting for Katie to arrival, but I know she's not turning up for another couple of minutes as she's just as late as I can be sometimes which isn't as bad. Pulling out a book for my next class I feel three pupil stood behind me and without turning I can already guess who they might be, its always the same three. 

"You should quit while your ahead, don't want to disappoint mummy and daddy" I hear from the queen bee Linda, however I'm not surprised, even though she has some balls coming up to me again after last time, the insults about my parents don't bother me anymore as i know in my heart they are proud of me and don't blame me so I shouldn't blame myself.

"You really looking for a round two? I though you Learnt last time when I punched you in front of your family" I start slamming my locker close before turning round and facing Linda, she looks pissed. Probably found out about Darren and her cousin Lacey or Macey what was her name, it was something like that

"Watch your back as you won't be as lucky as you was last time bitch" rolling my eyes at her comment I know its an empty threat as she has nothing but words. I turn to walk away from Linda with the school halls filling 

"Go and cry to your daddy, maybe he can buy the judges for you again to win with your lack of talent hun" I say with the crowd looking between me and Linda in shock

Walking completely away this time I know there's no rival between myself and Linda as she has no talent but the real battle is with myself mainly which I know I'm going to lose. Not paying attention to my surroundings I walk straight into my classroom door lucky for me no one actually seen me do it or that would of been embarrassing but I done worst embarrassing things. Opening the door I step in to meet everyone eyes on me but i ignore them like I ignore everything in my life most times. 

"Class settle down, Congratulations for the surfers who won the first heat" I hear and I quickly put my head down as I can't be having everyone look at me as I made it to the next round but I crashed and burned during that heat. As the class goes on I couldn't be happier that my family is all together again, as they promise they wouldn't leave me till the end of the competition which I'm thankful for because I really need them now. Throughout the lesson I had manage to put earphones in to drown the high pitch voice of the teacher talk about nothing that we actually need for the exams at the end of the year, I don't honestly see the point in teaching us shit that we don't need. Looking at the clock I couldn't be any more happy that the lesson is nearly over.

Heading out the classroom me and Katie walk arm in arm to the lunch hall but as we walk I feel everyone staring at me, I can't tell if it's happy stares or if I have something on my face. Taking a seat at a table I cant help but wipe my face thinking I have the word 'look at me' on my forehead but I don't. 

"When's the quarter finals?" I hear Katie say picking at her food she got from the school and now I'm glad I bought my own lunch as that looks disgusting, just looking at Katie face I know she's regretting not bringing her own food 

"Couldn't tell you, my uncle just wants me to focus on surfing and not the dates" I respond with struggling my shoulders, I'm happy I won't face against Linda till either of us make the finals but I'm just happy I'm back on the board, winning isn't in my mind right now.

Hayden: picking you up with Darren, we going food shopping
Me: Am I your third wheel? 
Hayden: nope, it's good to have a break and relax

Reading Hayden text I know what he meant as uncle Jason has been working me hard lately and what better to do then go food shopping and drool all over the food, maybe I can throw a couple of things in his basket but take them out the bag before we get to his house as I know the boys will take my food and there's one thing about me and that is that I don't share food. Food is life.

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